View Full Version : i know this is silly!

01-09-2008, 11:06 PM
argh! i know how stupid this is, but im so overtired i cant think rationally, i was researching these "sleep starts" that i keep having, and i came across a forum where a bunch of people were having the same thing and some bloody bone head on there said that people think that these sleep starts are evidance mind control invasion or some crap, so i freaked out and gooled it, and now im freaking out even more :( :shock: help!

01-24-2008, 07:15 AM
i think that once you get some sleep you will feel better.

i think it's commen for people to be afraid of stupid things right before you go to sleep however i am interested in the idea of thought control, but i know that it is not possible to indivisually control thoughts, there are ways to influence mood yes (for example pollution, or watching tv lol) but can sleep easy because it isn't worth anyone's time to try and control everone's mind my having them sleep badly, it would affect proformace and what is a mind controller gonna do with a bunch of sleepy, restless peons? also i feel the need to mention that is haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately either...