View Full Version : Blood test Friday, therapist was no help.

11-12-2013, 04:53 PM
So for starters I'll start by saying I've had this recurring infection for the past few months that seems like a UTI. Burning while peeing, weeing blood etc. But recently I did a urine sample and my doctor said it came back negative for any infection and she'd like to do a blood test. I'm now extremely worried this is something serious. The only thing that's reassuring me is that I did not have any symptoms of the "infection" when I did the urine test. It was all back to normal. So I'm hoping that my body is just fighting off whatever it is each time.

On another note my therapist told me to just "think positive and keep busy" today when I told her I was very anxious about the results of this blood test. What is it with people, do they not understand that if someone with anxiety could cure it as easily as thinking positive do they not think we'd just do that. I will be cancelling my sessions with her from now on and looking for someone new to help me.
She really did not understand at all, I told her I've developed OCD like symptoms by checking myself for lumps and bumps, and her react to that was just to do something with my hands when I do that like Brush my hair or do my makeup. I could not believe the things she was suggesting to me, if I wanted that sort of advice I would have gone to a friend or family. I wanted a professional opinion.
Anyway rant over.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this "Infection"?

11-11-2014, 03:12 AM
Hi I'm just wondering how u got on as I'm experiencing the same sort of thing myself at mo x