View Full Version : Any good stories from those who took Paxil?

01-09-2008, 07:38 PM
After being prescribed Lexapro and Xanax for anxiety and panic attacks, my doctor prescribed Paxil to me today. She thinks that my anxiety isn't that bad and that it has just gotten worse with the onset of panic attacks due to the amount of stress that I am under. She said that she doesn't think that I will need them permanently, but currently gave me 10mg. Has anyone had any good experiences with this medication? I really don't need to read anymore bad stories so please spare me them because I have read enough. My boyfriend's mother was prescribed anti-anxiety medication a long time ago after having a stroke, and she was able to wean herself off of them after changing her diet, exercising, and then going off the meds and using herbal medication (which would be my ultimate goal) as well as getting self-help books to learn what triggers my anxiety in general (can't afford CBT). Can anyone offer there experiences with it and is it too hard to get off? What dosage were you on and how long did it take to notice an improvement and how long did it take to get off of them? Did you have difficulty getting off of the medication. Thanks : )

01-10-2008, 11:24 AM
I noticed a vast improvement in my anxiety after only a week. My confidence and sociability increased after about 4 weeks. Its strange really but you dont sort of notice these improvements as the pills seem to act very subtly.
After around 10months I noticed those anxiety feelings again in the stomach area, so I decided to change meds and am now using zoloft (sertraline) which I dont feel is as a good.
The downside was coming off the paxil. I took 30mg, I had these weird dizzy bouts whenever i turned my head suddenly. These lasted 3 weeks before subsiding. I would certainly recommend paxil as well as other meds cus herbal remedies are an absolute utter waste of time and money and the same goes for CBT!!

01-11-2008, 06:58 AM
I would certainly recommend paxil as well as other meds cus herbal remedies are an absolute utter waste of time and money and the same goes for CBT!!

I don't know about herbal meds. But I think that the MAIN reason why CBT fails people is that therapists apply it improperly. This seems to be a problem particularly with anxiety. I would encourage you to either fid a better therapist, or some good self-help material. Also, you need to be patient. CBT is not going to make you better in a couple of months. If you have been experincing severe anxiety for a long time, then up to a few years of proper CBT may be required for recovery.

01-17-2008, 02:27 PM
Robbed, you appear to be a bit of a plonker. You do not appear to contribute anything of any help! You seem to spout nothing but doubts concerning meds. I have posted my experience of these meds and you come on here like some kind of stalker of the boards and relate no good stories at all. Can you tell us any good experiences of these meds, as asked by the contributor. If you want to keep pontificating about how bad meds are then create your own forum!

01-17-2008, 08:19 PM
Robbed, you appear to be a bit of a plonker. You do not appear to contribute anything of any help! You seem to spout nothing but doubts concerning meds. I have posted my experience of these meds and you come on here like some kind of stalker of the boards and relate no good stories at all. Can you tell us any good experiences of these meds, as asked by the contributor. If you want to keep pontificating about how bad meds are then create your own forum!

I guess my problem is that I have known SO many people who have had bad experiences with meds, that I just cannot say anything good about them. And I guess I have to admit that I have ALOT of resentment for psychologists who have done alot of arm twisting to try to get me to see a psychiatrist to go on meds. So I kind of sympathize when people are faced with this particular problem themselves. On the other hand, I hate to say it. But you are probably every bit as stubborn as I am, and 'pontificate' just as much as I do on the pro-meds side of things. After all, you say that CBT is an 'absolute utter waste of time' when it has in fact helped MANY of us overcome anxiety - and remain anxiety-free. In this particular thread, it was THIS that I was reponding to, and nothing about Paxil.

Then again, we are all entitled to our opinions. And that's why we are all here on this board. After all, our opinions are all that ANY of us can really offer on a board like this. Hopefully, by reading the positive stuff that people like you write about meds, and the negative stuff that people like myself write about meds, people can come to the right decision as to whether they should use them or not.

One more thing. I have NEVER said that NOBODY should take medication. Merely that it should not be the first thing that you try, and that it is NEVER a cure.

02-12-2008, 12:39 PM
I started Paxil when I was 18. WOW...is all I can say. I was a new person. I was me! Happy, vibrant, lesser anxieties. It really was a miracle for me. However, I am now 25 and the drug has platueaed for me. This is quite common with Paxil. It works really well for several years...and then sometimes you need to switch to a new med. For me it was due to a traumatic event in my life...causing the paxil to plateau. But for the several years that I did take paxil..it was great! No side effects. Just bliss! My family noticed a difference...my friends said I was so much more happy. So there are good stories for Paxil. Good luck and I hope it does wonder's for you, like it did for me :)

03-30-2008, 06:09 AM
paxil is okay but it will definitely have some side effects like yawning etc

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