View Full Version : Same old, Same old!!

11-12-2013, 10:25 AM

what really gets me is every time I have socialize I will have days even weeks of a build up of anxiety, to the point where i will even start loosing weight due to the nausea (not that that's a bad thing ;) anyways every time i force myself to do it, it turns out OK in the end :confused: but no matter what I ALWAYS feel that way coming up to a social situation - no matter how many times I force myself to do it (thanks therapy) so really it doesn't make it easier, why such a struggle and why only certain people?? Valium is the way forward I think (not that I would abuse it) but it certainly makes things more bearable, will I always be a pill popping freak?? I hope not!! There are always people worse off than you is what i think but then I get slapped in the face with but there are always people better off too!

I feel better already ;)