View Full Version : Long story

11-12-2013, 02:08 AM
so I've had chest pain under and in left breast and in the centre, (sometimes in right side but rarely) and shortness of breathe for about8 month none stop, arm pains (numb, weak or tingly) for a few month and just random aches and pains like cramps in legs and tingly feet and stuff which is all mostly left side.. lately I went for a mammogram for a lump I've had for about a year in my left breast (which doctors said was fatty) and to get another lump I've had checked in the past checked out again.. all was fine in the right breast but I've been told to go in for a biopsy on the left breast which is the lump I've just had checked for the first time.. can this all be related? or am I over worrying! anyone got any stories thanks xx