View Full Version : Loneliness

11-11-2013, 11:50 PM
I'm single and live alone with my pup (thank god for her!). I don't have too many friends that live near me anymore. I have a great family and we get along. I'm usually good alone but some nights I have bouts of horrible loneliness which doesn't help my anxiety at all. During the day I can go to the mall or stores to be around people and that helps but at night I don't know what to do. Basically I'm wondering if anyone has useful coping skills or techniques that work for them?

Thanks for help,

11-12-2013, 01:07 AM
Hi benn, I'm sorry your feeling so lonely.
I'm in a very different situation to you, I'm married with a child. But for me on long nights I feel so alone when everyone's sleeping and the panic sets in. I like to come on here and chat to everyone it tends to keep me company. Also early evening could you not call a friend or family member for a chat, so your reminded your not totally alone :-)

11-12-2013, 01:11 AM
Ya I do that but doesn't really help me much. Plus not many people want to just sit on the phone and talk all night.

11-12-2013, 01:35 AM
Ya I do that but doesn't really help me much. Plus not many people want to just sit on the phone and talk all night.

I like to come on here too as there's always someone to talk too. I think it's great everyone being from different countries and time zones as guaranteed when I'm having a tough night there's always someone to chat to me and take my mind off my worries. I love playing all the games on here too!