View Full Version : Wow..STD..

01-09-2008, 05:52 PM
Okay..So like 5 months ago I had unprotected sex..and then about 2 weeks I had unprotected sex with a different girl...and yesterday I noticed something..I'm pretty sure I know what it is..

What if the first girl gave it to me and I gave it to the 2nd one? ..I like the 2nd girl a lot..and want to date her.. I wouldn't care if she gave me something (as long as its not permanent)..I'm so afraid that I gave her something.

01-11-2008, 02:04 PM
The answer is simple. Get tested and refrain from having sex until you know whether of not you have an std or not. Always use condoms, as much as they are not a joy in the bedroom neither is carrying around an STD for the rest of your life. It may be something treatable, either way you need to let both sexual partners know what is going... Especially if you find out that you do infact have an untreatable std... if you continue to have unprotected sex with the girl you are interested in and you dont tell her you have an STD, that is illegal. Even if it is something treatable you still need to tell her so she can be treated as well, or else you will just keep passing it back and forth to eachother. Good luck!