View Full Version : Flu/cold

11-11-2013, 09:42 PM
Hello everyone we'll am not very well at the moment I have the flu or it could just be a really bad cold, I feel terrible and of course this has sent my anxiety crazy and I keep obsessing I have a serious illness and it's not the flu :( can't help it. Where as normal people would just think ohh I have the flu, I think I'm dying. So scared

11-11-2013, 11:12 PM
Well the good thing is that you know it's just that dang ol flu just relax drink tea and stay worm. They say sometime working out while your sick helps sweat some of that bad flu out and also working out helps anxiety just calm down and keep telling your self " I know it's nothing serious but the flu and I will be fine" . Let me know how your doing .