View Full Version : Scared of esphogous cancer and kidney failure

11-11-2013, 02:23 PM
I burp every day I get weird feeling when swollowing get acid reflux, I've been having trouble peeing have had test n were negitive now its back I don't know what to think anymore I'm so overwhelmed and afarid of anymore test n feel trapped I think I'm dying I'm such a wreck right now meds arnt working fucking obama care got my insurance all fucked up I'm gonna end up dying there not gonna find what's wrong and it's going to be too late to fix I feel so doomed my family don't know what to do Im breathing rapid right now cause in scared but not even sure anymore if its anxiety maybe its jus my time I don't know what to think anymore

11-11-2013, 02:55 PM
No one cares the doctors don't even care I just get written off been to so many diff ones

11-11-2013, 05:25 PM
Just relax and calm down

11-11-2013, 06:15 PM
You aren't dying.....you are letting your anxiety get the best of you. You sound like you just have some serious acid reflux, that's all..........

Chris C
11-11-2013, 07:52 PM
Sounds like you have a lot of anxiety going on right now. What meds are you taking? Are you on anything for anxiety or the acid reflux?