View Full Version : Is this Anxiety? Please help if possible.

01-09-2008, 03:54 PM
In Aug. my mother who is suffering from MS and depression went into the hospital to regulate her meds and help her depression. This was a very hard time for me, because it seemed like she was never going to get better and she was having hallucinations, because of her meds and lack of sleep.
When she came back I had to take care of her for a month or two , and drop out of school.

Stuff I am experiencing since Oct.
Dry eyes
pain above or behind the eyes
Itchy eyes
tingling hands feet
pain in hands and feet
tense back with back pain between my shoulder blades...So much one time I couldn't get out of bed or had a serious time for three days.
Headaches - at first it seemed to start because for some reason I was starting to tense up. The pain would be in my sinus then go to the top right side of my head.
It also went to the back of my head where my skull and neck meet and then into my shoulder blades.
Recently As of the past month off and on Ill get this pressing pain on the top left part of my head. But it is only this small spot. But when I get all panicked it spreads to the top of my head and sinus area.
Sometimes if feels like pressure on both sides of my head too.

Lately I am more aware of my heartbeat. It feels like it beats "hard" even though it isn't beating 'fast.' Sometimes when I lay down on my back I can feel a pulse type feeling on the base or around that area of my skull. Sometimes it also feels like it is coming from in between my shoulders or inside my head. When I sit up all I feel is my heartbeat in my chest. This is a really scary sensation, anyone else have it? I also felt like maybe twitching nerves on the top of my head for a few mins...I feel like something is terribly wrong when this stuff happens so I worry.

Somedays I have good days sometimes not so good. When it isn't good I get the headache off and on all day. From mild to moderate/intense.

Sometimes I feel like I have a knot feeling under my ribs under my breast...or on the back ...Sometimes on a spot below my shoulder blades on my spine. I get twitching on my back or spasms/slight tiny jerks. Backrubs usually help it or a heating pad.

Also Ive been experiencing neck pain
For the past few months I have been noticing a pain on the left side of my neck when I lay on my right side. Now it hurts all the time and goes back into below my left ear and left eye. It feels like a tight muscle or like a kink in the neck but not really. It sometimes makes the side of my left face near the jaw feel numb, but it isn't really numb. Sometimes my right jaw feels like that.

My doctor thinks I have migraine/tension headache, anxiety or depression, but he won't treat me for anxiety/depression. My blood pressure lately has been a little high, and I think it is because I am always worrying or nervous about all the pains I am feeling that it is hard to relax.
He put be on atenolol, imitrex, and naproxen. He mainly put me on atenolol to keep me from having palpatations since I have mitral valve prolapse which doctors say isn't a problem.

I don't know if it is me, but I think the imitrex gives me these hang over type headaches after it wears off.

Ive had a CT Scan last weekend in ER which came back negative/normal.

The doctor in the ER said I should go see a neurologist . I have an appointment for next wednesday. With all these symptoms it makes me scared and feel like I have to rush to the doctor or keep calling him. I am driving myself crazy, and my folks crazy (I am 25 btw).
What should I be telling these doctors and trying to get them to do. I honestly can't take it anymore. I just want to feel normal...And I can't when every little pain feels like the end.

01-09-2008, 06:38 PM
I've had pretty much exactly the same headache symptoms.

01-09-2008, 07:39 PM
I've had pretty much exactly the same headache symptoms.

Aw, yeah. I've just really been paranoid or overly worried each time I feel a pain in my head. I am seeing another reg doctor tomorrow...Then next wednesday I am seeing a Neurologist. It is hard for me to stay away from the doctors waiting a month to see the neuro.
I get so tired of worrying so much. I think because Ive been out of school for 8 months with nothing to do , this stuff becomes an obsession...It sucks.

Thanks for responding.

01-10-2008, 12:18 AM
Hey i get those headaches and tingly hands too.. along with loads of other stuff, Ive been out of school or work for the last 6 or 7 months too, and living on my own.. im convinced that has caused my anxiety, sitting worrying and obsessing about stuff just makes it so much worse.. im sure you'll be fine.. just have to relax and not worry :)

01-10-2008, 12:51 PM
Hey i get those headaches and tingly hands too.. along with loads of other stuff, Ive been out of school or work for the last 6 or 7 months too, and living on my own.. im convinced that has caused my anxiety, sitting worrying and obsessing about stuff just makes it so much worse.. im sure you'll be fine.. just have to relax and not worry :)

It's nice to see others are having the same problems, although it sucks that we are having problems period.
Yeah, I've just got to keep busy and hopefully most of it will go away.

01-10-2008, 12:59 PM
It is relieving to know that you're not alone isn't it? This website reeeaaally helped me. I'd probably still be thinking my headaches and detatchment from reality meant i had a brain tumor.