View Full Version : Msg

11-11-2013, 10:44 AM
I was doing fine yesterday until I ate some Chinese food for dinner along with a ginger ale. The rest of the night was a nightmare. I started to get a headache above and around my right eye and I took Motrin for that. Then I started thinking about an old classmate who I found out just tried to take his life and may not make it. I couldn't sleep and felt extremely out of sorts. I could tell my bp was through the roof but I refused to check it because I felt it would only cause me to be more upset. I saw every hour until 6:45 am when I fell asleep. My alarm went off at 8, when I woke up in a blind panic. I was struggling to breathe and my heart rate was 125bpm. Not good. I took my xanax , waited for it to kick in and was able to make it through a parent teacher conference. ..then came back home. I tried to go back to sleep but I still can't seem to get any restful sleep. I even tried my chamomile tea.....its not helping. My bp and heart rate are still higher than normal but I'm not worried about that. I need to get some sleep and can't seem to be able to......anyone have anything that helps when their body won't shut down? I need help.

11-11-2013, 10:46 AM
I was doing fine yesterday until I ate some Chinese food for dinner along with a ginger ale. The rest of the night was a nightmare. I started to get a headache above and around my right eye and I took Motrin for that. Then I started thinking about an old classmate who I found out just tried to take his life and may not make it. I couldn't sleep and felt extremely out of sorts. I could tell my bp was through the roof but I refused to check it because I felt it would only cause me to be more upset. I saw every hour until 6:45 am when I fell asleep. My alarm went off at 8, when I woke up in a blind panic. I was struggling to breathe and my heart rate was 125bpm. Not good. I took my xanax , waited for it to kick in and was able to make it through a parent teacher conference. ..then came back home. I tried to go back to sleep but I still can't seem to get any restful sleep. I even tried my chamomile tea.....its not helping. My bp and heart rate are still higher than normal but I'm not worried about that. I need to get some sleep and can't seem to be able to......anyone have anything that helps when their body won't shut down? I need help.

Also, does anyone have similar issues with msg? This place claims not to use msg but I can't figure out what else caused this immediate heightened anxiety?

11-11-2013, 12:58 PM

11-11-2013, 01:43 PM
Everything I read about MSG suggests it's not harmful and the initial scare was based on incorrect information.