View Full Version : Should you cry it out during an anxiety attack??

11-11-2013, 10:20 AM
I today while trying to fight off my probably fourth anxiety attack in a week I felt this urge (I can't explain it) kinda like deep in my chest to cry? But I couldn't make myself cry.... Lol silly I know. Finally I called a psychiatrist and am waiting on them to call me back to see when I will be able to get in and as soon as I hung up I broke down crying. Kind of freaked me out but kind of made me feel good? Does anyone else know what I might be talking about?
Thanks SO much

11-11-2013, 10:37 AM
Something crying is a stress reliever ever since I had anxiety I've never cried over it and sometime I wish I could. It may help me feel better.

11-11-2013, 01:49 PM
Crying can be kept cathartic but laughter is much more useful for ending panic attacks. I went to a seminar about this & watched a video where a psychologist stopped a woman's panic attack. her fear was that she when she was having these panic attacks was that she was going to die, so he would make her do jumping jacks and he would have her ask herself 'would a person who's dying be able to do jumping jacks?' and once she started to laugh it disrupted the panic and ended the attack. Just a thought.

11-11-2013, 03:50 PM
I know exactly what you are feeling.. I am a 29 yr old male who has never been a cryer or emotional person in my life. I have been dealing with anxiety for a couple months now and 3 weeks ago all of my thoughts and worries built up so much that i just broke down and sobbed like a 2 year old. it just flowed and flowed. i actually felt a little better afterward because i felt like had got it all out. this happened to me again last week and i could not stop.. I called my dad and explained what was going on and he calmed me down and i felt alot better again.

i dont know if it good or bad for anxiety but i now think that is good to let go and get it all out. its not fun but its human emotion and it makes me feel normal just knowing that i can let go

good luck i hope all works out

11-11-2013, 04:01 PM
Thank you for all the responses. DoubleACE I did actually feel better after crying.... But who wants to cry all the time LOL!! Whatever works. Thanks everyone. Anxiety can and will get better I'm determined to best this. I won't let it rule me!!!!

11-11-2013, 04:18 PM
Thank you for all the responses. DoubleACE I did actually feel better after crying.... But who wants to cry all the time LOL!! Whatever works. Thanks everyone. Anxiety can and will get better I'm determined to best this. I won't let it rule me!!!!

I just broke down in pieces on Sunday.
It had been bubbling for a while and I knew I needed it. Crying helped me get over the panick.
For me it's very hard to tell those close to me how I'm feeling because it all seams so silly and I've always tried to be the 'tough male' so crying seams to be a visual way to let people know I'm suffering and need help.
It certanally helps to start the conversation talking about my feelings

11-11-2013, 04:59 PM
I totally understand. I don't like to tell others how I'm feeling.... They all think its so stupid and made up. Its not. Keep your head up and you'll get through it! It's nice to know others struggle with this as well. Always here to talk :)

11-12-2013, 04:37 PM
I totally understand. I don't like to tell others how I'm feeling.... They all think its so stupid and made up. Its not. Keep your head up and you'll get through it! It's nice to know others struggle with this as well. Always here to talk :)

Discovering this forum has been a big help. Anxiaty can be a lonely place, being here makes you realise your not alone

11-14-2013, 04:01 AM
I often find that crying helps when feeling highly anxious or having a panic attack. The tears just come out & I can't stop them, but then I feel a bit better afterwards. It's just a bit embarrassing sobbing at my desk at work haha.

11-14-2013, 04:07 AM
I guess there are no coincidences..I've just been thinking the same thing. I need a good cry...to let out all the junk inside me bottled up. I'm really not a crier..but there is a certain song that could push me over the edge and let it all out. I haven't listened to it yet, maybe this weekend. I just know if I do have a good cry it'll make me feel better. I'm going to do it!

11-14-2013, 07:01 PM
Oh no! No crying at work LOL it does help me actually..... Definitely feels a Bit strange....
I think if you feel the need to listen to a song then do it and let it go!! I saw a psychiatrist today and almost didn't go and I'm so happy I did.... Just do what feels right to you and know you're not alone with this. :)

11-14-2013, 08:19 PM
Hi there,
crying is a normal emotion that we all have. we cry for happy times and sad times. I used to cry, but know have out grown that. Now I feel sad a lot, but try to breathe through the attack. I find that drinking water or being in water helps. It is a calming effect on me. Who else uses water to help themselves out? I would like to know. Alita

11-15-2013, 02:33 PM
Hmm I've never thought to try water.... I always have to get up and run out from wherever I am :/ just happened actually lol. I'll have to try that though whatever works!!

11-15-2013, 05:15 PM
I always have water with me. You are right that it does help for some reason

11-17-2013, 06:32 PM
For me drinking water helps a tiny bit, though tea helps more, I think it might be more about the action itself? Swimming by myself is a huge help though, I think it has to do with the pressure on my skin and also being able to block out the world for a little while. And I don't know about the crying helping...I've been having a really bad time and my eyes just ache from crying too much at the moment, I wish I could stop...

11-17-2013, 07:04 PM
I find crying a relief sometimes and it really helps but as my anxiety is quite severe at the moment I'm doing a lot of crying which is making me very tired and drained along with the anxiety and when I'm tired and worn down my anxiety peaks so it's swings and roundabouts sometimes I think. But nothing wrong with a good old cry every now and then. I stood there anxious the other day washing up tears rolling down my face. Crazy I know!! Lol