View Full Version : being a parent

11-10-2013, 08:58 PM
Ugh its so hard dealing anxiety and panic attacks while raising a toddler, im so lost. I feel like a terrible parent because had to deal with me being a nervous wreck all the time, idk what to do.., meds make everything so much worse so I dont take anything, and leaving the house is not an option without me panicking. ... :(

11-10-2013, 10:05 PM
You need to see the doc, the psychiatrist to help you sort it out. For your child , you must :)) It will get better, it always do. You are not bad mother just having a hard time in your life. However my children blame for a lot of their problems. They are right. On the top of my husband bipolar I was dealing with GAD. eh

11-11-2013, 11:26 AM
I understand how you feel. Definitely try and get treatment. The more you fight your way through it the less likely your children will suffer with the same issues. You need to do it for them as well as yourself.

11-11-2013, 03:09 PM
True, I just hope I can find a different method other than pills, I lost my mom to pills and dont want that for my son.

11-11-2013, 11:46 PM
I never wanted pills..I was so bad I got down to hundred pounds...nervous wreck for months..panic attacks all day...I dizzy,confused felt beyond awful..I have to boys 4 & 6 I finally gave into pills...they defiantly helped I still don't want to go where cuz I am afraid I gonna look stupid and fresh out..but I am gaining weight..etc..u have to try different things..sometimes u need Mir then talking to someone...and it's ok..I.tell u what I a work in progress but I was on the edge everyday...PLEASE take care..God bless

11-11-2013, 11:53 PM
Cognitive behavior training (CBT) can help immensely. For some people it's enough and others (me) need meds with it to get full benefit. Give it a try. Can't hurt and no side effects.

11-12-2013, 11:26 AM
Thanks guys ^_^

11-12-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi I'm a mum who suffers just like your self . Do you have any family support? Someone you could talk to ?
It can make a world of difference . Also CBT is very good if you are well enough to attend the sessions .
You are deff not a bad mum , just a poorly mum trying her best . Love & blessings
Feel free to pm me any time

11-13-2013, 06:57 PM
Hey im totally in the same boat my panic attacks and fear are worse when i leave the home so a barely do or dont go far....ive joined anxietyuk to try get some therapy to help my problem im on no meds. They try come out to the home as everyone i see says "you must come here" well if i could i wouldnt need the therapy. The do charge but reduced fees. My family will take my toddler out if im having a bad day so thankfully he doesnt miss out. Its an awful guilty feeling and you think i need to get it together cause you want to enjoy yourself with the little one. But it never seems that easy. My advice is rubbish as i havnt found anything that helps me but try go out with a family member and your toddler even just for a 5min walk. I find once im actually out i dont feel to bad for awhile as im distracted. Its when i push myself to go further my panic hits. Just try gradually taking little steps each day this is what im doing xxxx

11-13-2013, 07:12 PM
You sound exactly like me...