View Full Version : Poetry

Angie 91
11-10-2013, 03:01 PM
I like to write when I'm sad.
If you feel like it, please continue and be creative ;)
Words are what makes us.

This girl is like us all, unlike any other,
a, truth which she hates and doesn't want us to see
in fact, she has decided not to bother
to be the only person she is meant to be.

losing her, for me, is like a head-on
days and years of unremitting pain.
nor will I ever feel quite free to let on
numb with rage, the fear that I am the one to blame


11-10-2013, 06:00 PM
http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/hands-clapping-applause-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/emoticons.html)

11-11-2013, 12:11 AM
Arriving home, I go inside to take
a seat, recline and press the button SHEEP.
Extending probes connect to back of neck
supplying all I need, plus painless sleep

Alarm beckons, my eyes open, whilst probes
Withdraw – I’m out the door and in my car.
Extending probes connect to back of neck
Next thing I know I’m back, reclined in chair.

Maria Neculai
11-12-2013, 04:12 AM
I bestow upon you a healing poem to think to yourself whenever someone is bullying you. Hopefully it will help you calm down and understand that the person who is trying to demean you is the one who is wrong. Don't raise your tone and maintain your dignified position.

An asshole is an asshole
even if it's covered with expensive things.
An asshole is an asshole:
chosing rude jesters over soft spoken kings
An asshole is an asshole
when only about his victories he sings
An asshole is an asshole
he won't allow innocent to spread their wings

An asshole is an asshole (both genders)
and says his shit never stinks
when he talks before he thinks
cause he mocks and later winks
since his ego never shrinks.

An asshole is an asshole and that's all he'll ever be
He pokes fun at victims, weaklings, races, an amputee
Shapes, sizes, faces, gender claiming that it's equally
Defend yourself and he won't allow you to dissagree

Don't talk to him about common sense or equality
It's much too late for he has lost all his humanity.

11-12-2013, 04:49 AM
I bestow upon you a healing poem to think to yourself whenever someone is bullying you. Hopefully it will help you calm down and understand that the person who is trying to demean you is the one who is wrong. Don't raise your tone and maintain your dignified position.

An asshole is an asshole
even if it's covered with expensive things.
An asshole is an asshole:
chosing rude jesters over soft spoken kings
An asshole is an asshole
when only about his victories he sings
An asshole is an asshole
he won't allow innocent to spread their wings

An asshole is an asshole (both genders)
and says his shit never stinks
when he talks before he thinks
cause he mocks and later winks
since his ego never shrinks.

An asshole is an asshole and that's all he'll ever be
He pokes fun at victims, weaklings, races, an amputee
Shapes, sizes, faces, gender claiming that it's equally
Defend yourself and he won't allow you to dissagree

Don't talk to him about common sense or equality
It's much too late for he has lost all his humanity.

Who wrote that?

Maria Neculai
11-12-2013, 05:04 AM
I did. But throughout human history plenty of smarter people said the same thing whenever loud dumbasses took the lead or tried to glorify themselves by putting others down.

11-12-2013, 05:18 AM
Oh ok, cool. Why did you write it? Is it about someone?

I sound like I'm quizzing you, I'm not quizzing you :p just interested. It sounds like it has frustration behind it.

Maria Neculai
11-12-2013, 05:50 AM
I'm not frustrated anymore, I've been frustrated when I used to care about how I matched up to social standards.

We're going through some desperate times where valuable personality traits have been tossed aside by the media as it encourages people to dehumanize themselves. Humanity is constantly frowned upon and the media perpetuates hateful, shallow, stereotypical characters for others to model themselves after. The media tells us that in order to become equal and tolerant we need to mock everyone equally but the problem is that we end up separating people into other cliques while others become completely left out and turned into scapegoats. I feel that by encouraging a certain type of behaviour (boastful, obnoxious, loud, narcissistic) while shaming others who don't copy this behaviour is a strange thing that's taking place everywhere throughout the world right now. In this poem I've tried to tackle the rude behaviour people try to shove down our throats to ensure a peaceful existance for all except the ones who need it the most. But something that outraged me the most was something I saw on tv in my country where one obviously mentally dissabled man arrived to a talent show and the judges allowed him to perform but mocked him afterwards while everyone was laughing at him. But that guy despite his problems was much more dignified than they were because he didn't answer back he just thanked them and left. It hit me that the world we live in is a freak show world now where the judges and audience members are the ones who deserve to be questioned for their actions. It's kind of scary to open the tv and see people take part in these types of activities, that's all.

Angie 91
11-12-2013, 11:15 AM
I like your words! both of you.
It is really helping sometimes, at least for me and I hope you find comfort in creating poems too

Today some of my darker words.

He can be everything the teenage girl wants him to be:
the cool and charming rockstar with the aviator glasses,
the worldly seducer with European suits and deep thoughts about the East and feminism.
Hell, he can even be Andy.
-the boy she likes from her Spanish Literature class.
But someday he'll want to show her the side he likes..
the side with the screaming,
the panic....
and the sudden silence.

Someday soon.


Angie 91
11-12-2013, 11:26 AM
He dosen't know who owned the hoodie originally.
Nobody claimed it after the party, and he figured it looked good on him.
It's old, ripped in the shoulder and says ”snake” across its back set with rivets,
-the spiky punky kind.
People men and women have told him that he is good and kind-hearted.
he has no idea what they mean.
He do like snakes though.
They don't know you're young and strong and you think death applies to everyone but you.
They will bite you and you will die.
He does not read, watch the news or even make love.
He listens to music and inhale the dimpy smoke from a widely discredited plant
He goes to places with his friends.
He rides mental rollercoasters but unlike anyone you would ever meet he never screams when they plummet or twist and plunge up-side down.
If you told him the hoodie was yours he'd just shrug and give it back to you. It's not like he cares, not one way or the other.

11-15-2013, 07:32 PM
Thank You for this thread Angie.

Angie 91
11-16-2013, 01:41 PM
you are welcome :)

And thank you all for reading and writing

11-21-2013, 10:01 PM


Today I got up out of Bed.
Not before taking pause,
I took one long deep breath and said,
“A man without a cause?”

I grabbed my pills and down they went.
Then came another thought.
Today’s the day I reinvent;
Forgetting what’s been taught!
So now comes the discovery,
I have all I need within.
When I let go, my mind is free;
Till now a slave, I’ve been!

So now’s the time I stretch my wings,
Ditching my suffering;
No longer a puppet on strings,
But for that pill - I sing.

By Ponder

Angie 91
11-24-2013, 12:49 PM
I love it!

11-26-2013, 04:02 PM
I wrote a short Irish Limerick about when I begun drinking a lot of alcohol cos I couldn't fit in with panic attacks and stuff. I know limericks are kinda silly, but hey :p

There was a young man with anxiety
Who couldn't fit in with society,
He tried and he tried,
Until one day he cried;

Angie 91
11-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Every so often..
Life slumps to the floor,
life crawls through a door.
Every so often,
Not thinking not knowing

Angie 91
11-26-2013, 04:26 PM
The was once a girl so scared of death,
that she was scared of even holding her breath

-and the grownups found this very trying
Even worse when she was crying!

Then they tried psychology...
and soon, gave her an apology.

Scared, do sometimes means scary,
which made the grownups feel kinda wary..

Like, in therapyclass she gluede a dying pony,
from little pieces of makaroni..

They complimented her on her creative skills,
and had her eat some dizzy pills..

Then she sleept and sleept for quite a while
Then she awoke with a nervous smile.

One thing though, was still quite clear
they still don't know what made her fear..

Angie 91
11-26-2013, 04:29 PM
I'm not sure about the last one..
something is not working.

Angie 91
11-26-2013, 04:30 PM
I wrote a short Irish Limerick about when I begun drinking a lot of alcohol cos I couldn't fit in with panic attacks and stuff. I know limericks are kinda silly, but hey :p

There was a young man with anxiety
Who couldn't fit in with society,
He tried and he tried,
Until one day he cried;

That is awesome!
well done.

Humor is not a bad thing, keeps us going!


11-26-2013, 04:54 PM
Like, in therapyclass she gluede a dying pony,
from little pieces of makaroni...

I like this line. It really made me imagine a sad person.

How long does it take you to right a poem Angie?

11-26-2013, 06:15 PM
Hi all,
poetry is self expression. sometimes we just want to be heard. eventually someone will hear us and we will get help and get better! Ever heard of wordpress? Give it a try. Good luck to all! Alita

11-26-2013, 07:35 PM
Hi Alita, thanks for the tip. Love the limerick Jesse - well done. Also to you Angie - I think it clearly gives a message which is the main point, however, I understand it's good to polish them up some more. Always seems as if we could do more, but honestly, I really enjoyed reading it from start to finish! Hope all is going well with your writing.
Later guys.

Angie 91
11-27-2013, 02:30 PM
Thank you all :)
Well it takes a train ride home to make something then I rewrite it on my laptop.
This one however did not take long and need some rewriting.
I have not been writing very much the last 2 days, only a chapter ending and some lose pages of conversation.
-Thank you for asking both of you.
I know of wordpress, I've never used it though, maybe I will try it.
