View Full Version : Throat swelling and hoarse voice. Just a panic attack?

11-10-2013, 10:17 AM
The other night I ended up calling for an ambulance because I was sure I was having an anaphylactic reaction to something. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like my throat was swelling shut. I immediately panicked and called 911. All the while my voice was so hoarse I could barely talk. I realize that feeling like the throat is swelling if fairly common in anxiety/panic attacks, but would my voice go so hoarse if it were just a panic attack? Also, I kept blowing into my peak flow meter (which I have because of my fear that I have asthma) and my readings were between 300-low 400s when usually they are around 475-500. This made me think I was not getting air and my throat was closing. I keep thinking that actual swelling had to have been the cause for the low peak flow readings and hoarseness.

So the ambulance got there, and they just gave me some oxygen and took my blood pressure and oxygen levels. Since I didn't have any other symptoms of allergic reaction, they concluded that it was all in my head and left shortly thereafter. I felt a little better so I was okay with them leaving. Then when they left I started to feel the swelling more, but I reluctantly went to bed and made it through the night.

So I guess my main questions are, has anyone experienced temporary hoarse voice during a panic attack? Could hyperventilation or just my panicking have caused the lower peak flow readings? I'm so freaked out that I was having a severe or anaphylactic reaction to something or that it was a severe asthma attack. I have no known allergies and no diagnosed asthma, but for the past 9 months or so I've had a debilitating fear of both. Any thoughts? Thanks!

11-10-2013, 11:29 AM
I get a weird "swollen" feeling in my throat when I'm stressed out or panicking, but I've never measured my airflow. I imagine that would make it harder to breathe properly. If I had felt those symptoms in the middle of the night, I probably would've freaked out, too... glad to hear that they said you were fine. :)

Not sure about the hoarse voice being linked to a panic attack, but maybe it could've been from sleeping? I sometimes get a weird voice when I wake up because of a dry throat or too much mucus/drainage (sorry, TMI!). That might have been part of your issue.

11-10-2013, 05:08 PM
I honestly don't think it was an allergic reaction. ..it wouldn't of just cleared up on its own....without medicine or more time. I think it was probably due to anxiety. I've had those panic attacks that literally feel like your throat is closing. One that I had when I was at home with my kids by myself scared me so badly that I went outside on my front porch thinking that if I collapsed, someone would see and call an ambulance. Actually , the fresh air helped me to breathe and calm down a bit. Not suggesting that you should run outside like I did, but perhaps just cracking open a window and breathing in some cool air might help.

11-11-2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks for your replies! I keep trying to tell myself that it wouldn't have gone away on its own so quickly and that the swelling/closing feeling is common in panic attacks. The only thing that keeps that doubt in my head is that I was so hoarse during it, and if anxiety could have done that on its own. I guess that happens often though with me. I get a symptom and think, "there's no way just anxiety can do that.". Then it turns out that yes, anxiety DID create that symptom and I am fine. I just hate when some new scary symptom pops up and I'm convinced it's real. I can't stop worrying about it until the next problem pops up. Thanks again for replying!