View Full Version : fed up with my husband!

11-10-2013, 09:46 AM
Seriously i beem doing soo good with the anxiety/panic attacks now they are back thanks to my husband. He talks to me very bad with a violent voice im tired of him! I have tried to leave him before but he says he will take my daughters away becuz i dont have a job. I been looking for one but is soo hard. Seeiously im stressing i dont sleep becuz he gets up at 5 am making heka noise he goes to wrk at that time. And i told him to stop wt the noise and he just starts sayi g all these bad words loud! He seriously stresses me out one of these days im just going to call the cops on him im fed up! He is abussing me mentally.

11-10-2013, 10:32 AM
Any advice plz

11-10-2013, 10:33 AM
It does sound like you'd be better off without him :-/

11-10-2013, 11:42 AM
First things first get a job, 2nd thing save your money so you can move Ito your own place. 3rd thing is get a restraining order and go to
Court and get full custody over your children.

11-10-2013, 03:21 PM
Thanks and yup deff i been trying to get a job i really just want to get away. Seriously i feel because of him im like this. I just want to be alone with my 2 little ones thats it.

11-10-2013, 03:25 PM
Your more then welcome to private message me. Does he abuse you?

11-11-2013, 02:38 AM
My husband has anger issues and does say hurtful things when he's mad. I've made him very aware of it, and he is working on it. But a couple of weeks ago he did slip up a couple of items and called me a b**tc*, and said he wished he could hit me. I found a poem online that was how I felt about the verbal abuse I've endured for years and he was mad at first but then he said it got to him. We've had a good talk- no arguing and for the sake of our kids and marriage are going to work harder.
Do you tell him that what he says hurts you? That he is in fact abusing you?
If he's unwilling to work things out calling a woman's shelter is an option. And they can help you find the resources to find a job or go on social assistance.
Just a week ago I posted about my abuse because it all came flooding to me mostly the past abuse because he's gotten better with his anger--- but I always worry if it will go back to being worse.
Maybe try and talk with him about your feelings and if you can give him an ultimatum: him get help with his anger/ abuse or you leave him. If you do this... He most likely will be mad and say things maybe storm out. Mind did. But he may think it over and be able to come back at talk.

I know of some helpline and crisis line numbers if you say to pm me or just pm me to talk.

11-11-2013, 07:57 PM
Thanks grls and he hasnt hit me but if he does i will call the cops with out caring bout nothing.

11-11-2013, 08:02 PM
Thanks grls and he hasnt hit me but if he does i will call the cops with out caring bout nothing.I heard that !!! Call the police don't let him get away!

11-11-2013, 08:22 PM
No woman should be abused; mentally or physically. No woman should let man to walk all over her. Blondie imagine a situation when you come to different country you are already 40 and you do not know any English, no maybe "I love you" and "Thank you" I was there, one year after i came to Canada I divorced my ex. No language, no skills beside art, and I survived. I did cleaning, I worked part times, I was delivering paper at night, I raised my children myself. You are in your country and you know the language the rest is achievable, believe me:) it is tough but you are going to make it. Just do not let him to belittle you. He will not get your children, even if you do not work:)) They tend to use scaring tactics but woman are strong:))) Good luck with everything

11-11-2013, 09:00 PM
Yesss she said it best..! Us women need to show these men that we don't need them.

11-12-2013, 06:40 AM
No woman should be abused; mentally or physically. No woman should let man to walk all over her. Blondie imagine a situation when you come to different country you are already 40 and you do not know any English, no maybe "I love you" and "Thank you" I was there, one year after i came to Canada I divorced my ex. No language, no skills beside art, and I survived. I did cleaning, I worked part times, I was delivering paper at night, I raised my children myself. You are in your country and you know the language the rest is achievable, believe me:) it is tough but you are going to make it. Just do not let him to belittle you. He will not get your children, even if you do not work:)) They tend to use scaring tactics but woman are strong:))) Good luck with everything

What an inspiring story!!!!!! Good for you!!!!!!!

11-12-2013, 06:58 AM
No woman should have to go through that. I agree with Dahila. I can't understand how a man can do that to someone he "Loves". Stay strong!