View Full Version : I definitely have schizophrenia--and I'm terrified!!

11-10-2013, 07:57 AM
So I was actually doing pretty well with my anxiety the past few days. But then my grandfather passed away and I had a rough week of wakes and funerals and crying with my family. So the night after the funeral, I felt my family's voices very vividly in my head. Almost as if they were having a conversation in the background of my mind. I'd had something similar the night before, but I was half asleep at the time so I figured it was me drifting off to sleep. I worried about that all day yesterday.

Now, starting last night and into this morning, I feel as if there's a voice in my head that's going to start any minute now. I feel almost as if there's something ready to start speaking in my head, like it's going to happen any moment clearly. As if there's something waiting in the wings, and I'm going to start hearing it vividly soon. Other than that it's very hard to describe. I feel very tense and my thoughts are racing, and sometimes random words come into my head which scares me and makes me think it's a voice coming. I just wanna be normal and not be crazy, why did this have to happen to me!? What do I do!? :((

11-10-2013, 08:04 AM
Stems from anxiety. You're distressed not anything else and have you seen a psychiatrist or therapist yet? This is all scared "what if" thinking and a very active, anxious mind. Alankay

11-10-2013, 10:57 AM
I understand the "waiting for something to happen" thoughts. I worry about hearing voices or hallucinating yet I never have. What you think were voices may be an exaggeration. You were hoping to hear their voice again and during a stressful time and so you've convinced yourself you actually heard them rather than imagined them.

I also do the "why did this happen to me" - I was "fine" before my first panic attack last year. Perhaps I wasn't as "fine" as I thought and just reached a breaking point...my OCD anxiety then kicked in full gear.

11-10-2013, 11:17 AM
I also thought I was Schizophrenic but every time I described my symptoms to the doctor and my psychologist they say it's just the anxiety. Anxiety can make you think your in danger so you are constantly looking for more problems I believe it's called health anxiety

11-10-2013, 11:22 AM
I agree with what others have said -- if you're not actually hearing voices, you're fine. The emotions/stress/anxiety are just getting to you. Give it some time, and you should feel back to normal. In the meantime, try to relax and stay positive!