View Full Version : People With Anxiety are retarded

01-09-2008, 12:40 PM
OK this isnt what I mean. Im not calling you guys retards because I myself have anxiety. Its because of my experiences in school. OK this dude was giving me bull shit about 2 years ago in my sophmore year in high school. My sister got a little worried so he called up the main office and they got a cop that works at this school to call me in during my study skills class. I told the officer that the guys name was Joe so he looked up Joe on the computer and I didnt recognize him. So I told the officer that hes the one always wearing a hat. So the officer said "Yeah yeah I know who that is. I don't know why hes acting like that hes a "good guy"". Anyways the officer told him that I was retarded because I cant have a full conversation with anyone. So this stupid guy Joe went around the whole school spreading the word.

Am I retarded?

My second experience I was in my U.S. History class and they were talking about the Disabilities Act or the Social Security Act. Dont know which of the two it was. Anyways some girl in there said "I also think that people with anxiety and depression are retarded. There not really retarded retarded but they are still retarded." So the teacher says "Well . . ." And he was waving his right hand left or right as if he was putting it in a category of mental or psychological. Then the girl said "There not really retarded but they are kind of retarded but they dont want to accept the fact."***Teacher still thinking about it***

Girl: Well maybe just a little. Like a little. Even if its a little retarded.

My teacher: Well, maybe just a little.

So I smiled at the girl because she already knew I had anxiety because the teacher made me read out of my paper and I got an anxiety attack so I started blushing, swallowing, I got dizzy, ETC. So she just put her hand on her desk resting her head on it and she gave me a nice smile. It was pretty cute.

Now the teacher already knew I had anxiety because a couple of days prior to that happening he attented my IEP meeting. Yes I have an auditory processing learning disability. Or do I? Read at the end. Anyways at the IEP meeting he asked "How severe is the anxiety?" The school speech therapist at the school said "Well its one of those where he would rather not do it so he wont have to worry about the BIG PRESENTATION"

That history teacher has anxiety. Im not stupid. He was sitting in that desk with me and the rest of the people that attented the meeting and when I looked at him he started BLUSHING. I also saw him swallow. I did it twice and it went away when I would look away. Thats my proof. I SWEAR TO GOD HE HAD ANXIETY. Oh and he asked the question when I wasnt looking at him.

So my point is are we really retarded? If so, how? Theres nothing wrong with our brains. Unless your like me, have a learning disability. I know its just psychological so how are we RETARDED? Is it because we "F*** with our heads" like that stupid Joe guy told everyone right there in front of my face. People were just laughing at me when he told everyone. We're just doing this to ourselves.

Oh and about my learning disabilities. Supposively its because I take to long to get the information in my head and right it in the piece of paper. I told the psychologist that I dont write in front of people because they might be reading it. She also made a few mistaked on it too. Also the auditory processing. When I was *buzzed* (the day before I had smoked a lot of marijuana)in class, I felt I was learning more. Seriously. I was comprehending the material very well and everything was fine. I wasnt HIGH but I still felt the buzz a little. So it could be that my head is just getting in the way. Or as the counselor said about me not doing the presentation "He could do this, he could do this, its just that this whole shyness is getting in the way." Im not that stupid. I already know its all in my head. They thought I didnt know that. That why they replaced the head with the shyness. They think Im stupid. But how could I be stupid when at the meeting they found out I had abover average intelligence? Anyways hope to read your comments soon.

01-09-2008, 01:35 PM
I know exactly that you mean, I have had some pretty embarrassing anxiety attacks whilst giving presentations in school. Luckily not that many though thank god!

And about the marijuana: I have a friend with OCD, and he finds that it makes the symptoms go away.

Sounds like you go to a pretty fucked up school anyway.

01-09-2008, 04:41 PM
I really don't think retarded is the right word to use, and anyone that uses that word to describe people with depression/anxiety is uninformed. I take pride in what I have. I don't call it a disability in my case, even though I know it can be debilitating.

I don't know what to say man... it sounds like you've got a lot on your mind about this stuff. Maybe you just need to figure out what it means to you. In the end, we are who we are and I believe we should try to embrace it as much as we can. Sounds cheesy, but it's a belief.

Hope your stuff works out.

01-24-2008, 08:05 AM
OK this isnt what I mean. Im not calling you guys retards because I myself have anxiety. Its because of my experiences in school. OK this dude was giving me bull shit about 2 years ago in my sophmore year in high school. My sister got a little worried so he called up the main office and they got a cop that works at this school to call me in during my study skills class. I told the officer that the guys name was Joe so he looked up Joe on the computer and I didnt recognize him. So I told the officer that hes the one always wearing a hat. So the officer said "Yeah yeah I know who that is. I don't know why hes acting like that hes a "good guy"". Anyways the officer told him that I was retarded because I cant have a full conversation with anyone. So this stupid guy Joe went around the whole school spreading the word.

Am I retarded?

My second experience I was in my U.S. History class and they were talking about the Disabilities Act or the Social Security Act. Dont know which of the two it was. Anyways some girl in there said "I also think that people with anxiety and depression are retarded. There not really retarded retarded but they are still retarded." So the teacher says "Well . . ." And he was waving his right hand left or right as if he was putting it in a category of mental or psychological. Then the girl said "There not really retarded but they are kind of retarded but they dont want to accept the fact."***Teacher still thinking about it***

Girl: Well maybe just a little. Like a little. Even if its a little retarded.

My teacher: Well, maybe just a little.

So I smiled at the girl because she already knew I had anxiety because the teacher made me read out of my paper and I got an anxiety attack so I started blushing, swallowing, I got dizzy, ETC. So she just put her hand on her desk resting her head on it and she gave me a nice smile. It was pretty cute.

Now the teacher already knew I had anxiety because a couple of days prior to that happening he attented my IEP meeting. Yes I have an auditory processing learning disability. Or do I? Read at the end. Anyways at the IEP meeting he asked "How severe is the anxiety?" The school speech therapist at the school said "Well its one of those where he would rather not do it so he wont have to worry about the BIG PRESENTATION"

That history teacher has anxiety. Im not stupid. He was sitting in that desk with me and the rest of the people that attented the meeting and when I looked at him he started BLUSHING. I also saw him swallow. I did it twice and it went away when I would look away. Thats my proof. I SWEAR TO GOD HE HAD ANXIETY. Oh and he asked the question when I wasnt looking at him.

So my point is are we really retarded? If so, how? Theres nothing wrong with our brains. Unless your like me, have a learning disability. I know its just psychological so how are we RETARDED? Is it because we "F*** with our heads" like that stupid Joe guy told everyone right there in front of my face. People were just laughing at me when he told everyone. We're just doing this to ourselves.

Oh and about my learning disabilities. Supposively its because I take to long to get the information in my head and right it in the piece of paper. I told the psychologist that I dont write in front of people because they might be reading it. She also made a few mistaked on it too. Also the auditory processing. When I was *buzzed* (the day before I had smoked a lot of marijuana)in class, I felt I was learning more. Seriously. I was comprehending the material very well and everything was fine. I wasnt HIGH but I still felt the buzz a little. So it could be that my head is just getting in the way. Or as the counselor said about me not doing the presentation "He could do this, he could do this, its just that this whole shyness is getting in the way." Im not that stupid. I already know its all in my head. They thought I didnt know that. That why they replaced the head with the shyness. They think Im stupid. But how could I be stupid when at the meeting they found out I had abover average intelligence? Anyways hope to read your comments soon.

What a freaking b*tch! no really i'm aware that anger isn't the best policy here but was she trying to be hurtful because she sounds like a highschool b*tch.

There's good and bad to what we have you know what is what about it

01-28-2008, 12:43 AM
Hey R8DRN8SHN, sry to hear about the things going on at your school. Its too bad that people can't have some compassion for the problems people with anxiety face. If you haven't already try to get a good psychologist who can help u with some cbt. I would also really recommend that you stop smoking weed. I smoked for a year in highschool and it made my anxiety a ton worse. I know its a great escape but that only lasts so long. I never had anxiety while high but coming down or stopping smoking would give me terrible anxiety.
take care, john

01-28-2008, 08:06 PM
I also noticed after i stopped smoking weed a couple years ago my anxiety level went way down. It always had me paranoid making what anxiety i had about 10 times worse.

03-30-2008, 11:30 AM
Yes the girl is a b*tch because knowing that I had anxiety she started looking at me while she was with her friend and I was talking to some aquaintence not really a friend but someone I talk to and I started getting anxiety. She knew I was getting anxiety and she continued to look at me as she kept walking smiling and stuff. She tried it a couple of days after when I was by myself but it didnt work. It only works while Im talking to people. So yeah shes a b*tch. Nuff said.

04-01-2008, 12:20 PM
i actually agree with you..