View Full Version : Unsteady, dizzy, cant feel legs sometimes.....

11-09-2013, 03:55 PM
Its truly amazing what the mind can do to the body. I've been a hypochondriac since I was young (it runs in my family). I'll start by saying years ago I got a lumpy feeling in my throat and a tingling in my upper mouth, freaked out, googled it (bad idea I know), and doctor said it was a strep throat. I don't think it was, so I got more suggestions and finally went to a psychiatrist who said its anxiety. I started taking a med, it worked, and have since been great. I'll add that Im a 27 year old male, no big medical issues in my history, and my own family is very healthy (except for anxiety issues).

A few weeks ago I randomly started feeling this occasional numbness in my leg. I didn't think much of it, as my boss said that since I sit all day I probably just have poor circulation. But it eventually got worse, and I started feeling dizzy, unsteady, unbalanced, twirling, feeling like I cant feel my legs or feets...so it freaked me out and I googled it (bad idea I know, and I got all sorts of things from Multiple Sclerosis, to Stroke, Tumors, etc) and ran to the urgent care center. The doctor gave me an EKG, blood sugar test, urinalysis, balance test, took my vitals sitting/standing/laying down and everything came back good (she said I probably have Vertigo and Parasthesias, which aren't so bad). She referred me to a primary care physician if I wanted a 2nd opinion, so the next day I went to a primary care doctor and she also gave me a balance test, vitals, urinalysis, blood tests and so far all my tests were good (she said she would call if there was a problem on my tests, and a week later she hasn't called).

I read somewhere that MS fears are very normal for anxiety sufferers. Deep inside I keep telling myself its all in my head, but I still have that fear in me because sadly I had to google the symptoms. I occasionally feel pins and needles, spasms, tingling, little headaches, and I get very tense when I have the "losing feeling in feet/legs" feeling. Its getting to the point where Im getting kinda agoraphobic; I go to work and just want to sit in my office all day, and once Im off I just want to go home and stay home because I feel safe in my office and at home.

I notice, when I don't think about it...I feel fine. But when I think about it, I feel bad. I was walking around my workplace and kept telling myself theres no problem in my legs and I felt much better but still had some little bouts but tried to control the feeling and tell myself its nothing. I didn't feel dizzy at all either.

Im supposed to go back to doctor on Monday for follow up. Im thinking about asking for a CT scan or MRI, to really put this stuff to rest. Maybe I'll go back on my medication, because I haven't taken it in almost 2 years (haven't needed it). What do you all think? Has this happened to you? Advice?

11-09-2013, 11:15 PM
I have hypochondriac tendencies, too, and I try to tell myself that it's the best health problem to have... I always think I'm going to die, but never do!

I've heard lots of people complain about numbness after sitting for too long, so it's probably a circulation issue. My boyfriend's legs & feet go numb every time he drives in a car for a few hours, and I get numb arms/hands periodically from anxiety. Do you think you might have been overly worried about your leg, to the point where anxiety kicked in? Feeling faint/dizzy/numb can be a common side effect of anxiety, and that would explain why your tests were fine. It would also explain why you don't feel dizzy/don't have leg problems unless you're consciously worried about it.

It sounds like you should be alright. It's always reassuring to get more testing done and know for sure that you're okay, but even if you get an MRI or CT scan, will you really be 100% certain that it's vertigo or parasthesia (and not something worse)? Personally, when tests come back "good" but don't diagnose my problems, I tend to have more questions than answers (which sounds like what you're already going through).

Stay positive! If you have those feelings again, my advice would be to wait it out, remember that health professionals told you it's nothing to worry about, and focus on something distracting that requires lots of attention to detail. ;)

11-10-2013, 02:22 AM
Its truly amazing what the mind can do to the body. I've been a hypochondriac since I was young (it runs in my family). I'll start by saying years ago I got a lumpy feeling in my throat and a tingling in my upper mouth, freaked out, googled it (bad idea I know), and doctor said it was a strep throat. I don't think it was, so I got more suggestions and finally went to a psychiatrist who said its anxiety. I started taking a med, it worked, and have since been great. I'll add that Im a 27 year old male, no big medical issues in my history, and my own family is very healthy (except for anxiety issues).

A few weeks ago I randomly started feeling this occasional numbness in my leg. I didn't think much of it, as my boss said that since I sit all day I probably just have poor circulation. But it eventually got worse, and I started feeling dizzy, unsteady, unbalanced, twirling, feeling like I cant feel my legs or feets...so it freaked me out and I googled it (bad idea I know, and I got all sorts of things from Multiple Sclerosis, to Stroke, Tumors, etc) and ran to the urgent care center. The doctor gave me an EKG, blood sugar test, urinalysis, balance test, took my vitals sitting/standing/laying down and everything came back good (she said I probably have Vertigo and Parasthesias, which aren't so bad). She referred me to a primary care physician if I wanted a 2nd opinion, so the next day I went to a primary care doctor and she also gave me a balance test, vitals, urinalysis, blood tests and so far all my tests were good (she said she would call if there was a problem on my tests, and a week later she hasn't called).

I read somewhere that MS fears are very normal for anxiety sufferers. Deep inside I keep telling myself its all in my head, but I still have that fear in me because sadly I had to google the symptoms. I occasionally feel pins and needles, spasms, tingling, little headaches, and I get very tense when I have the "losing feeling in feet/legs" feeling. Its getting to the point where Im getting kinda agoraphobic; I go to work and just want to sit in my office all day, and once Im off I just want to go home and stay home because I feel safe in my office and at home.

I notice, when I don't think about it...I feel fine. But when I think about it, I feel bad. I was walking around my workplace and kept telling myself theres no problem in my legs and I felt much better but still had some little bouts but tried to control the feeling and tell myself its nothing. I didn't feel dizzy at all either.

Im supposed to go back to doctor on Monday for follow up. Im thinking about asking for a CT scan or MRI, to really put this stuff to rest. Maybe I'll go back on my medication, because I haven't taken it in almost 2 years (haven't needed it). What do you all think? Has this happened to you? Advice?

Wow totally sounds like what I'm going through.
Lately I've been feeling off balance and cold hands.
I've had numerous studies done. Ekgs, echo, stress test , 24gr holter . Thyroid exams . Anemia
And everything has came back fine.
But I still fear of having something /:

11-10-2013, 05:06 AM
This sounds like me!! For the past couple months I've been off balance and have become agoraphobic because I feel so dizzy and off balance when I walk anywhere, I've had a few tests done but I don't think my doctor takes me seriously as I have health anxiety she just says that's what it is but I can't walk half the time my legs just stop working. Its horrible and has ruined my life!

11-10-2013, 05:39 AM
take gingko biloba for balance, unsteady issues. works well for me

Anxious Abi
02-18-2014, 02:46 PM
Past few days i've been getting this sensation like I am tipping backwards, I have to really concentrate to stay balanced.
I don't seem to feel dizzy, faint, or numb like others seem to and it doesn't seem to be in conjunction with anxiety either... Just at random points throughout the day.
I don't want to google, or be endlessly visiting my GP. Hopefully it's just one of those things that will pass after a while.
Gingko biloba, i'll have to look into getting some, sounds like it could help. I hope the above members have found relief also.