View Full Version : Diabetes?

11-09-2013, 02:40 AM
Hey everyone :)

Having a really bad time with my anxiety at the moment... This is going to sound quite strange but I am obsessing about having diabetes! I have been checked by my doctor but she said its down to anxiety :/ I have been very dizzy, constantly hungry, numb, sweating :/ I guess I should trust the doctor but this dizziness is just too much for me :/ It could be because my sleep pattern has been so erratic - I have been put on a sleeping tablet. Please can I have some reassurance? Im so scared. I am going into London today with my family and I am really worried.

I guess the chances are I don't have it... but I am so worried.


p.s I also get quite shaky.. but I know this is also anxiety.

11-09-2013, 05:27 AM
Hello I also have all the symptoms as you and I do think I have diabetes to its awful but you have to keep telling your self that it's anxiety. It does wired things to your body. If your mind is not well neither is your body I'm only 22 and I worry about there symptoms every day your not alone

11-09-2013, 06:03 AM
I have type II diabetes. There's an easy way to determine whether or not you have it. Ask your doctor to give you an A1C test. I doubt you have diabetes, but that's the gold-standard test. A1C.

11-09-2013, 06:30 AM
I keep thinking I have diabetes aswell, I feel dizzy all the time, always feel hungry but when I do eat it makes me really anxious, I always need a drink and a wee and feel drained all the time. I got tested for low blood sugar 2 years ago and it was fine so I just forgot about it and the symptoms went but this year they have come back and I think I have it

11-09-2013, 07:37 AM
I used to have such feelings. I have a family history of diabetes and was getting strange symptoms as well. i did all the tests but everything is normal. I do suffer rom anxiety so, yesh could be that

11-09-2013, 08:00 PM
I've thought that I have diabetes, AIDS, heart disease, etc for ages now. It's not diabetes. It's whenever I beat myself up about something (i.e. hooking up with some guy I don't know that well, eating too many candies during the holidays, not working out, etc) that it gets bad. It's definitely the anxiety. You have to keep reminding yourself that, even though it's completely impossible to convince yourself. Take it from us others: it's the anxiety. Especially if your doc's given you the lookover and told you you're alright.

11-09-2013, 09:32 PM
I had diabetes worries too. Why not go buy a £10 blood sugar monitor from boots, or any pharmacy. Accurate and tells you instantly. Puts your mind to rest in 15 seconds. The worry has never bothered me again since I bought one. Worth the purchase.