View Full Version : Girls advice (mamogram)

11-08-2013, 03:14 PM
ok so a few weeks ago I went in for a mamogram due to two lumps on my right breast (which I've had checked out in the past) and one on my left (which I was getting checked for the first time, had this lump over a year) anyways got a phone call today and they says I need to go in for a biopsy on tues for the lump on my left breast.. I'm now worrying about it all and need some reassurance!! anyone had anything similar and been ok?

11-08-2013, 05:26 PM
Yes, my mother went through the same thing and it turned out to be nothing! Just last weekend, I went through my own personal health scare last weekend and had a rough time....I posted on here about it. A lot of great people were very encouraging and helped me not to go into full panic mode. I went for my doctors appointments this week and it turned out to be not nearly as bad as I thought. So, now this weekend, I'm passing that same advice on to you. Try your best to keep yourself distracted and enjoy your weekend. Try not to spend your weekend dwelling on it...because it can very well turn out to be nothing bad at all....like my mom's experience.

11-09-2013, 03:33 PM
thank u n glad your mams ok

11-10-2013, 11:26 AM
Hi i had pain in my breast in Sept just gone and the doctor told me not to worry about it but to keep a check on it. Well i went home and the pain came and went but then i found not one but two lumps in my other breast. The doctor checked me out but couldnt really feel what i was feeling but could feel something else. I was in a panic big time i just couldnt cope. I ended up at the hospital and was checked out buy the nurse who said i should have a mammogram and i then had a panic attack. The nurse then seemed to get quite cross with me the fact that i couldnt cope with it. Even though i told her 3 times i suffer from health anxiety. Then the main doctor came in and checked me over and said i do have lumps but they are nothing to worry about and ive just got lumpy breasts. He calmed me down straight away as he came across relaxing, he said he didnt feel that i needed a mammogram but i could have one if i wanted to. I chose not to have one as my anxiety was high now ive come home i do think maybe i should of had one but i still do feel that im too anxious at the moment as i still have other health issues to deal with.

I was told that normally they do checks on any lumps they find even if they are cysts and that they are 100% sure that they are cysts. Ive also had lumps before and mine were blocked ducks around the nipple and they didnt do anything for them.

Most of the time lumps are not anything bad, you have to remember that. The two that i have in my breast ive only noticed in the last 3 months and its lumpy tissue and mine are quite big. The hospital do have to double check everything and in the long run its best that they check. I did ask him what were the chances of it being something bad as well as my auntie having breast cancer 3 times. He said my chances were very very slim and my risk wasnt effected by my auntie having it.

I know you will be worrying now and worried about the procedure and the results, i know how you feeling i have this with every test. It feels like ive been doing this every day for 2 years. I cant stop the worrying.

So the chances are everything will be ok and the doctor told me that to .

Take care x