View Full Version : Dreading today!

11-08-2013, 12:24 AM
I am back at GP's today to review how I am coping on my meds

Thing is I haven't took them because I was anxious about the side effects I am dreading what he will say

I also have my first CBT appointment at 9:30 uk time for initial assessment

At the same time I feel weak tired and just generally dragging myself about

11-08-2013, 01:36 AM
Hi worriedmummy, I'm sure your doctor will be understanding about your meds if you explain your worries. It took me a while before I would start my meds but I'm so pleased I did. I'm feeling somewhat normal, for me anyway lol.
I had my third CBT session yesterday and I'm finding it so helpful.
Good luck today! But I'm sure you won't need it everything will be fine :-)
Keep us posted about how you get on :-)

11-08-2013, 01:57 AM
I will do and thank you, going to ask for the other option he gave me propanalol then if that doesn't work I will go onto the Sertraline