View Full Version : Heart

Olive Yew
11-07-2013, 07:25 PM
Hey so does anyone get heart stutters/ palpitations when you're completely relaxed and not worrying about anything??

11-07-2013, 10:05 PM

I feel like with my anxiety, a lot of it comes on so suddenly. I will all of the sudden have anxiety symptoms when I thought I was fine. I think this has me constantly slightly on edge because I never know when exactly I'm going to get that feeling again. But with anxiety, you're more in tune to your body so you're more likely to notice your palpitations. It's common!!! Just try to distract yourself and get your mind off of it :)

Best of luck!

11-07-2013, 11:17 PM
Yes, that happens to me often. It's a scary sensation!

Olive Yew
11-08-2013, 03:26 AM
Thanks for the replies. :) mine dont seem to be linked to a panic attack... At least not anymore.... It just happens and it leaves me goin like "you ok there heart? Do i need to fish out my defibrillator?" Lol

11-08-2013, 10:21 AM
I wasn't in a panicked frame of mind at all last night, but then suddenly my heart does like a fluttering thing and it really scared the crap out of me, cause the beats were all over the place, like my heart was dancing to it's own tune. I don't know what was causing it, because I wasn't stressing or anything, but I don't remember it ever happening before in the past.. I must be overly hyper aware now.

Olive Yew
11-08-2013, 10:25 AM
Yeah that's it exactly

11-09-2013, 09:41 AM
I have these frequently. I especially notice them happening way more about a week before my period. As soon as I start, they die down. They are definitely my worst anxiety symptom, I hate them!

11-09-2013, 10:38 AM
Hi olive :-)

Yeah I get them all the time they normally start my panic attacks off. I think anything to do with your heart is so scary.

Olive Yew
11-09-2013, 10:52 AM
Because i'm so used to them, i dont usually start panicking about mine...

11-09-2013, 11:09 AM

I feel like with my anxiety, a lot of it comes on so suddenly. I will all of the sudden have anxiety symptoms when I thought I was fine. I think this has me constantly slightly on edge because I never know when exactly I'm going to get that feeling again. But with anxiety, you're more in tune to your body so you're more likely to notice your palpitations. It's common!!! Just try to distract yourself and get your mind off of it :)

Best of luck!

I agree with this. I can be perfectly fine and all of a sudden I can feel my heart beat and it not fast or skipping beats, I can just feel it pumping. I rarely ever go into a full blown panic attack over this. I think its more annoying than anything.

Olive Yew
11-12-2013, 11:17 AM
This is really irritating me. WHY is it studdering?! I'm NOT having an anxiety attack! Everything i've read says that stress and anxiety causes heart palpitations BUT I'M NOT STRESSED OR ANXIOUS!!! I'm relaxed. Happy. FINE. And then my heart will skip. What the ever loving crap?!? And no it does not trigger an anxiety attack either. I have to take a deep breath and then i'll be fine.
I'm actually legit getting pissed off about this. Is my body testing me? Like a three year old?
"You gonna freak out yet? How about now? What if I do THIS?!"
AAAAAAAAAAAAH! NO! I am NOT anxious! Shut up and leave me the FREAK alone! My damned heart is FINE. I'M fine damn it!!!! THERE'S NOTHING HEALTHFULLY WRONG WITH ME!!! I'M NOT GONNA DIE! WHY IS IT STILL TRYING?!? Useless sack of meat my brain likes to think of as a body. Stupid malfunctioning subconscious. Stupid everything.

11-12-2013, 12:38 PM
I'm actually having these right now. Started just a bit yesterday and they've been pretty steady for the last couple of hours. I'm not freaking out either and it is VERY annoying. I can feel it flutter around especially around the bottom throat area..... I feel your pain! I haven't gotten these in years so I know it's anxiety related.... Used to get sever attacks a while back... Had one a week ago and I guess this is just a side affect whether I'm having an attack or not. Let me know if yours ever stop because I'm sure hoping mine do soon!!!!!

Olive Yew
11-12-2013, 01:23 PM
Mine's never a constant thing. I'll have them like maybe 4-5 times a day. And usually they'll come in twos... So it'll flutter once.... Then 5-10 minutes later it'll flutter again. Then nothing for a few hours and then repeat. I find it happens more when I get hot or really full

11-12-2013, 08:31 PM
I actually just got out of the ER. My palpitations lasted a whopping 7 hours and I'm still having some now. BUT all the tests I had run showed my potassium levels were very low. Surprise! That causes heart palpitations. So they gave me two giant potassium pills and a prescription to take for the next week. Just food for thought :) hope all gets better!

Olive Yew
11-12-2013, 10:23 PM
I actually just got out of the ER. My palpitations lasted a whopping 7 hours and I'm still having some now. BUT all the tests I had run showed my potassium levels were very low. Surprise! That causes heart palpitations. So they gave me two giant potassium pills and a prescription to take for the next week. Just food for thought :) hope all gets better!
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you're ok! You're a trooper for hangin in there :) i'll definitely try and see if potassium is the problem. I've heard that menstraul cycle can be part of it too so we'll see