View Full Version : Really bad vision...convinced I have a brain tumor

11-07-2013, 06:54 PM
Ugh, the very very small rational side of me says "shut up, you don't have a brain tumor" but I still can't get it out of my head.

Visual symptoms are being unable to focus, occasional blurred vision, after images, bright lights "tracking" with my vision (if that makes sense), random color aberrations, visual snow, seeing things out of the corners of my eyes, increased floaters, and feeling like I can't keep my eyes still.

It's definitely worse when my anxiety is triggered by something. I have GAD, mild PTSD (after a hellish summer), mild agoraphobia, social anxiety, a panic disorder, several other phobias (heights, balloons popping, loud noises, and probably more), and now health anxiety.

The visual symptoms are the most concerning, but I also have some brain fog and sometimes feel like my head is...swimming I guess. It's weird, I just don't feel right sometimes. No major headaches although I will get stress headaches occasionally. I also twitch and have tense muscles a lot. When I'm particularly anxious I'll tire myself out because I'm so tense. I have a TON of tension between my shoulders.

Mental/emotion symptoms are not as bad for me usually because I am a fairly rational person. But often I wonder if I'm dreaming or in a coma. I feel disconnected from the world and will occasionally zone out. I panic over things like eating and driving, I'm afraid I'm going to choke or pass out while I'm driving. Ill get myself hysterical thinking I have a brain tumor, scream at everyone, cry, etc. I go through big mood swings when I'm anxious. Ill go from needing to be around people to feel "safe" to needing to be alone.

My vision and brain fog have me convinced I have a brain tumor. I can't easily go to the doctors because I have high deductible insurance and will most likely be paying out of pocket for an MRI. I can't afford that. Knowing I should go see a doctor, an eye doctor, GP , something, but knowing I don't have the money to is making things even worse. It's so hard to deal with at times and at others I can go days/weeks without obsessing over "symptoms" although they never truly go away. This has been going on consistently for 7 months, sometimes better, but never getting progressively worse.

I just don't know what to do.

11-07-2013, 10:10 PM
Feeling like your brain is in a fog is a symptom of anxiety and based on your post, it's definitely pretty clear that you have anxiety! I think a lot of us can relate to your post though because we tend to sometimes overanalyze all of the things we notice about our bodies. Your headaches could be stress or sinus headaches. Just try to find little distractions and things to keep your mind at ease. I remember the first time I experienced that brain fog sensation. It was for about two weeks straight and I was so worried that there was something wrong with my head or brain too. Just preoccupy yourself and tell yourself that it's only anxiety. It'll pass and disappear eventually. Our minds are a manipulating thing! Best of luck!

11-07-2013, 11:13 PM
I have vision disturbances too, and mine is anxiety. The fact that you have gone 7 months with these symptoms and they haven't gotten any worse is a good sign. Of course, I can't promise anything, but based on what you have written, it sounds like anxiety.