View Full Version : does this chest pain sound muscular??

11-07-2013, 09:13 AM
hi, ive had this issue over a year now ive had the usual tests numerous ekgs and blood work and lots of trips to the doctors all came back normal. when i tryed supporting my weight holding my self up on my kitchen work tops if i drop down in a dipping motion with my arms at a 90 degree angle i felt a pull in my chest and when i stretch my chest open the muscle feels like its opening again and theres a pain for a few seconds and when the muscle is stretched it goes away. if i think logical its like ive damaged my chest area eg muscles or tendons but as you know with health anxiety red alarms always ring. just looking for peoples thoughts and experiences. also my posture is very poor i always sit hunched forward and always have upper back pain aswell. im 24 yrs old aswell.
thanks people

11-12-2013, 10:38 PM
Yes it sounds muscular. I am a massage therapist so I hear of this all the time