View Full Version : BAD WEEK .. any input would be helpful

11-07-2013, 09:02 AM
Hello everyone, I am somewhat new to Anxiety and have been trying to cope with it now for a little over 2 months. I have been prescribed 20mg of Celexa by my GP and have been taking it now for 7 weeks. Last week i felt absolutely great with very minute Anxiety/ unwanted thoughts/ what ifs. Anytime some would arise i could easily shrug them off and get on with what i was doing and tell my self it was just anxiety trying to get the best of me. i felt like the Celexa was finally working and i was ok.

This week i have been a wreck. Anxiety everyday, unwanted thoughts too. i have been trying to tell my self its just the anxiety again but its not going away. it has actually grown stronger everyday until yesterday afternoon when a rush of emotion hit me and i could not stop crying/worring. i am not a cryer nor have i been so now i keep having these thoughts that i am depressed. I know deep down that i am not. i have a great life, family, pregnant wife, job. I do not know why i cant get the thought out of my head that i may be depressed and it is scaring the Sh*t out of me. I am 29 years old and have never had any reason to be depressed nor felt it. but now this thought will not get out of my head. I know this can be a unwanted thought due to anxiety but i just do not feel right.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


11-07-2013, 09:36 AM
Im really sorry to here you have had a bad week
Your symptoms this week sound much like mine, were also of a similar age.

For me, it just helps to read these forums and realise that im not alone in the way im feeling, sometimes anxiaty can be such a lonely place