View Full Version : Please help me...

11-06-2013, 10:57 PM
Hello everyone,

I have had a dreadful night (worst ever!). I have not slept a wink... Nearly called 999 a few times too... I am a young woman and have been checked a number of times (Ecg,s, echos... Recently my anxiety has been its worst yet! I keep going very faint at different completely out of the blue times (literally like I will collapse) its horrible. Then I get a funny indigestion kind of feeling in my throat/chest area and a I get really bad nausea. I get chronic stomach pain and really bad gas like pain. My chest does not really hurt but I take really deep breaths in to get air. This was happening the whole night! I have also been extremely hungry even after pigging out and very tired. Please don't comment anything negative (about heart attacks!!) because they are my worst fear. I got checked out by the doc 3 days ago... she listened to my heart, did my pulse and she said I was fine. But I do know these r serious symptoms. I would just like to ask if anyone else gets similar symptoms? Oh and also very stuffy, heated, burning head :/ Random awakenings and feeling numb. Is this severe anxiety? I have been diagnosed with health anxiety.

Excuse my poor grammar and punctuation - its hard to write and concentrate when u have been up all night :/

Thanks everyone!


11-06-2013, 11:15 PM
Your not alone I have had the same symptoms for the past 2 nights everything you mentioned I have it's crappy. Where as people without anxiety wouldn't even notice the symptoms our senses are heightened and we feel everything a 100x more than we should. I have had the flu for the last two days and I literally think I'm going to die, it's hard going to work doing 10 hour shifts with this on my mind.

Don't worry your not alone what so ever I think about calling the hospital nearly everyday. Anxiety can cause some strange things to happen in out body so iv been told

Hope your ok

11-06-2013, 11:35 PM
Hey Jamie!

Thank you so much :) It's so nasty! I am soo convinced of dying. Then I sit up all night, feeling dizzy and terrified. I am doing a little beter now... How are you?
10 hours shifts sounds really hard, especially with anxiety. I agree, we definitely feel it more and then the more u worry the worse it gets. It seems that nobody understands or thinks your over reacting :/


11-06-2013, 11:37 PM
I have those same symptoms too. I wake up in the middle of the night feeling extremely jittery ( almost as if I drank 20 energy drinks), although I haven't. I feel so lightheaded that I feel like I'm going to pass out. It's totally miserable:(

11-06-2013, 11:39 PM
Yes! The dizziness is the worst part... Its so scary. x