View Full Version : Chest probs

11-06-2013, 08:49 PM
Anyone get this?? It feels like a sharp pain on the left side of my chest. Then it sort of goes to the left side under my arm pit almost on the rib cage. Almost like spasms for a few minutes but sharp pains also. Other times it's a quick feeling as tho my sternum none is being cracked or something.
Been feeling it off and on for four days. I was alarmed it was my heart but for the length of time it's gone on I decided that was doubtful. Also I have been pushing around and it seems if I move certain ways it can cause it to happen so seems more muscular. But I've also had a lot of gassy feelings in my stomach, could it be like air bubbles trapped in my chest?? I don't want to go running to the dr but it still is freaking me out a little and annoying!!

11-06-2013, 09:07 PM
Could it be inflammation? That landed both my mother and sister in the ER because they thought they were having heart attacks. Turned out to be an inflamed something or other (can't remember--but wasn't life threatening) I'm thinking it could be that or just trapped gas. Hope you get some relief.

11-06-2013, 09:44 PM
Anyone get this?? It feels like a sharp pain on the left side of my chest. Then it sort of goes to the left side under my arm pit almost on the rib cage. Almost like spasms for a few minutes but sharp pains also. Other times it's a quick feeling as tho my sternum none is being cracked or something.
Been feeling it off and on for four days. I was alarmed it was my heart but for the length of time it's gone on I decided that was doubtful. Also I have been pushing around and it seems if I move certain ways it can cause it to happen so seems more muscular. But I've also had a lot of gassy feelings in my stomach, could it be like air bubbles trapped in my chest?? I don't want to go running to the dr but it still is freaking me out a little and annoying!!

Yes! Gassy feelings in chest, like stuff being released/ air bubbles etc, its acid reflux. Maybe try some zantac or over the counter stuff first, if not get some prescription protonix or something. Trust me it's totally normal and nothing serious. I've had acid reflux for about a year now, the medication helps alot. Anxiety makes all of this worse though, keep both under control and you'll be good.

11-06-2013, 10:25 PM
I constantly have chest problems. Pretty much 24/7 heart palpitations, left arm pain, chest pain, trouble breathing. It's the worst :(