View Full Version : Shooting pains in head

11-06-2013, 05:42 PM
So this is new for me, I got it a few weeks ago when my anxiety got bad and ever since throughout the day I get random shooting pains in my head. And sometimes pain in my temples. From what I've looked up it's commonly related to anxiety but I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

Before tonight I was starting to think I had a brain tumour or something horrible so I decided to take the plunge and google it because what can be worse than thinking you have a brain tumour in the first place. And for once I'm glad I did because all that came up is anxiety.

11-06-2013, 06:05 PM
For the past month I've had irritating numb feeling in my forehead temple region,and the occasional little pain,I also have a clogged head feeling starting from the back of my neck.
I hope this is due to sinusitis,as they are irritated.

But as far as the shooting pains,only a few times I have experienced them.

11-06-2013, 08:51 PM
I've had this too. Sore temples, sharp shooting pains in my head, numbness, and pressure in my head. All are anxiety related. Whether we realize it or not, our entire bodies are tensed up for most of the day. Sometimes I'll wake up out of a dead sleep and feel my shoulders pressed up to my neck. Tension will cause A LOT of physical pain and symptoms. Clinching our teeth because of anxiety will cause lots of pain in the temple region. Try using a heating pad on your neck and shoulder muscles at night or during the day to see if that helps at all. Also, try massaging your jaw area when it's sore to alleviate some of the pain. This has all worked for me, and I hope you get some relief from it too.

11-07-2013, 06:50 AM
I've had this too. Sore temples, sharp shooting pains in my head, numbness, and pressure in my head. All are anxiety related. Whether we realize it or not, our entire bodies are tensed up for most of the day. Sometimes I'll wake up out of a dead sleep and feel my shoulders pressed up to my neck. Tension will cause A LOT of physical pain and symptoms. Clinching our teeth because of anxiety will cause lots of pain in the temple region. Try using a heating pad on your neck and shoulder muscles at night or during the day to see if that helps at all. Also, try massaging your jaw area when it's sore to alleviate some of the pain. This has all worked for me, and I hope you get some relief from it too.

It's helpful to know I'm not the only one :) Thanks for the advice I will be trying that when I get home. Hopefully it helps. The pains aren't bad enough to stop me doing everyday things just happens a lot and gets quite irritating. And obviously when it happens I get anxious and that makes it happen more.

Got to love anxiety and it's vicious circle of symptoms. Not.