View Full Version : Fear of bridges -- can anyone relate?

01-08-2008, 10:57 AM
I have an irrational fear of bridges. I don't know how much this is appropriate for this forum, but I figured I'd bring it up.

I haven't taken advantage of those 'bridge escort' drivers that drive you over the bridge, because the feeling of not having control of my car is more scary than the bridge itself. So I pretty much just suck it up and go for it, staying in the middle lane and turning the music up full blast (usually something defiant like Rage Against the Machine) and taking deep breaths.
When I get to the midpoint of the bridge, I start to settle down but I'm so worked up about it that I actually start bawling like a little baby. (I'm 6'2", 225, kind of a linebacker build, so go 'head and start laughing at the irony, haha!)

My least favorite experiences: Sunshine Skyway Bridge connecting Tampa to St. Petersburg, Fla.; Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland; the huge overpasses twisting around each other in downtown Jacksonville, Fla.

Anyway, anyone found any ways to cope with/prepare for bridge experiences?

Thanks, y'all. -Andy

01-09-2008, 12:13 AM
I know a man who had similar feelings when passing semi-trucks. He would have to take the back roads instead of the freeway, everywhere. For him, he got through it by learning to focus on what was ahead of him, like where he was going, rather than focusing on the semi next to him and what could happen. I don't know if this could be useful for your bridge phobia, but maybe it will inspire you to figure something out. Distraction is traditionally one of the best tools for anxiety/fear, so maybe that could help! It sounds like that is what you do with RATM, but maybe you could develop something more useful.

Hope this helps.

01-09-2008, 07:09 AM
I used to be real afraid of driving over bridges too, among other things. The program at http://www.drivingfear.com was awesome IMO. I don't really get nervous about it anymore.