View Full Version : Help.....What's wrong with me

11-06-2013, 04:44 PM
Ok, I've turned to these forums as I find it a really difficult subject to talk about.
I'll start from the top....

About 2 years ago I decided to change the sink and tap in my kitchen with a new one, this didn't seam too big of a job as I've always been fairly good at DIY so I set about doing it.

As the job progressed I began it feel more and more out of my comfort zone, things didn't quite go according to plan when I cut through the copper pipes ect.
Nothing major happened, just a few strange gurgling noises and the realisation that I'd cut the pipe too short.

In essence, I began to panic as I was at a point of no return. I spent the entire day doing the job, I didn't eat anything that day out of fear I wouldn't get finished.

Eventually, I was done, water was switched back on and it took ages to get all the air out the system which again panicked me.
I spent the entire night worrying that I'd done something wrong, that the pipe joints would come apart and cause a flood, I didn't sleep a wink that night, not one second, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Fast forward to today.....
I hate anything to do with plumbing, my heart races when I here the pump kick in every other morning to heat the water.
I am constantly listening for dropping water sounds and get cold shivers if I can here one, I'm sure my head makes the noises up sometimes.
I'm paranoid that something bad will happen like a burst pipe that will cuss water to pour through the ceeling.

I can just about cope with running the heating but even then some of the noises of pipes moving put me on edge so I make do with the bare minimum.

I'm lying in bex now, typing this, just after being able to here dripping, it sent a cold shiver straight through me.

I hate this but I can't find a way to stop feeling like this

I'm sure this is a very strange story and it's a very difficult one to talk about.
I'd love to know what's causing these feelings and what, if anything, can be done to help

11-06-2013, 09:47 PM
Quite an interesting story as to how your anxiety came about. It's one I haven't heard before.

What was your mood like before you went DIY? Did you have any mild anxiety issues previous to that?

11-07-2013, 03:28 AM
Quite an interesting story as to how your anxiety came about. It's one I haven't heard before.

What was your mood like before you went DIY? Did you have any mild anxiety issues previous to that?

If you had asked me that question befor "the day" I would have said no but thinking back, I had a lot of stress over debt, I was in a lot of debt and was burrying my head in the sand, always nervous about the Knock at the door or what the postman might bring.
I never identified it an Anxiaty as I could get away from it by going out or late at night when I new there would be no Knock or letters.

Lucally I have now sorted this part of my life out and I am fully in controll

I wonder if this "set the seed" as it were.

Thankfully I have woken up with a much clearer head, its always the way in the mornings. Basic logic seams to be much stronger than towards the end of the day / through the night

11-07-2013, 03:37 PM
good read dude

11-07-2013, 04:36 PM
Well here I am again, in bed. Just a few noises bothering me tonight, a few creaks and clicks and my head instantly tells me the noise must be a drip somewhere.
I know the hot water is set for tomorrow morning, I hope I can sleep through it for once.
Sounds so silly when you write it down.

11-07-2013, 04:40 PM
Well here I am again, in bed. Just a few noises bothering me tonight, a few creaks and clicks and my head instantly tells me the noise must be a drip somewhere.
I know the hot water is set for tomorrow morning, I hope I can sleep through it for once.
Sounds so silly when you write it down.

It always does, doesn't it :)

Do you have any sort of compulsions that go with it? Like, do you have to check stuff to feel a bit relief? E.g check the pipe, or for wet patches on walls/floor etc

11-08-2013, 09:45 AM
If you had asked me that question befor "the day" I would have said no but thinking back, I had a lot of stress over debt, I was in a lot of debt and was burrying my head in the sand, always nervous about the Knock at the door or what the postman might bring. I never identified it an Anxiaty as I could get away from it by going out or late at night when I new there would be no Knock or letters. Lucally I have now sorted this part of my life out and I am fully in controll I wonder if this "set the seed" as it were. Thankfully I have woken up with a much clearer head, its always the way in the mornings. Basic logic seams to be much stronger than towards the end of the day / through the night you must av had some sort of anxiety for you to have got so worked up when u fitted the sink and for you to av not stoped to eat and rest you focused on getting it done and worried you self more about failing ther must be something that could have effected you in you past regarding failure and to be perfect with what you set out to do. It seems as tho you have got stuck in that worrying about this experience that happened I would say therapy would cure this easy if u do not have any other fears gud luck

11-08-2013, 10:06 AM
It always does, doesn't it :)

Do you have any sort of compulsions that go with it? Like, do you have to check stuff to feel a bit relief? E.g check the pipe, or for wet patches on walls/floor etc

Yes, very much so, I will tend to check things like overflows ect

11-08-2013, 10:09 AM
you must av had some sort of anxiety for you to have got so worked up when u fitted the sink and for you to av not stoped to eat and rest you focused on getting it done and worried you self more about failing ther must be something that could have effected you in you past regarding failure and to be perfect with what you set out to do. It seems as tho you have got stuck in that worrying about this experience that happened I would say therapy would cure this easy if u do not have any other fears gud luck

Thanks Vic, maby there is something in the past, People are always telling me I have mild OCD as im always making sure things are straight and neat as well as silly things like taking the top off the deoderant bottol 2 or 3 times befor i put it away after using it. Thats never botherd me though
Perhaps Therapy is the way forward

11-08-2013, 02:13 PM
Thanks Vic, maby there is something in the past, People are always telling me I have mild OCD as im always making sure things are straight and neat as well as silly things like taking the top off the deoderant bottol 2 or 3 times befor i put it away after using it. Thats never botherd me though Perhaps Therapy is the way forward cbt has meant to be really good for OCD as it's a habit like anxiety that we've got into and it's just changing the habit knowing nothing bad is or will happen if you do not check these things gud luck ;)

11-10-2013, 03:34 AM
Well this morning I have to face this anxiaty
My hot tank needs an air gap replenish because the overflow has been dripping a bit
My heart rate is going ten to the dozen right now but it's got to be done

11-10-2013, 04:07 AM
Well this morning I have to face this anxiaty
My hot tank needs an air gap replenish because the overflow has been dripping a bit
My heart rate is going ten to the dozen right now but it's got to be done

Oh my god that was hard, I'm shaking like a leaf :(

11-10-2013, 04:23 AM
Just relac, listen to music , it helps. I personally find classical music quite soothing

11-10-2013, 04:01 PM
Bad day today but on the plus side my wife took a big intrest in my problem and was very supportive