View Full Version : Bubbling, tingling sensation... any advice

11-06-2013, 01:59 PM
Last night I was laying down to sleep and I felt this bubbling feeling that I could feel in my back on the left side, along with around my stomach area on the left. It felt like bubbles/tingles were going up and down in that area, somewhat uncomfortable but not painful. It almost felt like when you are hungry and haven't eaten, yet I had eaten and was not hungry. I ended up rolling on to my side because it was annoying me. This is my 4th week on Zoloft, and I am currently taking Keflex (antibiotic) for the next few days. Not sure if any of it is related? Has anyone else experienced this?

11-06-2013, 02:46 PM
Yep,I've had this feeling in my foot and leg a couple of times