View Full Version : Need cheering up losing the will to live here

11-06-2013, 07:09 AM
Anybody feel like cheering me up I'm feeling so down today. I've just had my bank card frauded and my account cleared of all my money. I'm now here with no gas or electric on in my house and my sons due back from school in a hour. I'm at total loss as to what to do :-(. My bank is being total useless and they can claim the money back for me but it will take two working days. I have no family members to borrow from I'm just totally stressed and feel like a total idiot breaking down in tears in the bank. Then a man over heard me in the bank and told me to go to social services it was kind of him but its the last thing I want social services involved. Any cheering up would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone

11-06-2013, 07:32 AM
Anybody feel like cheering me up I'm feeling so down today. I've just had my bank card frauded and my account cleared of all my money. I'm now here with no gas or electric on in my house and my sons due back from school in a hour. I'm at total loss as to what to do :-(. My bank is being total useless and they can claim the money back for me but it will take two working days. I have no family members to borrow from I'm just totally stressed and feel like a total idiot breaking down in tears in the bank. Then a man over heard me in the bank and told me to go to social services it was kind of him but its the last thing I want social services involved. Any cheering up would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone do u live in the uk? If u are on benefits I no people that have gone to ther local job centre and have got a crisis loan. Sorry to here about this

11-06-2013, 08:11 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. PLEASE hang in there. Where are you? In the UK? Do you have any money for food and such for the next few days? Could you apply for a small loan at your bank just to get you through the next few days? Do you need someone to talk to? I'm in the US but I will call you if you need someone to talk to. You've been so kind to me when I've been going through my rough times. Message me.

11-06-2013, 10:07 AM
That's terrible, Hannah.. :( That's some rotten luck, huh? ..I understand you not wanting to go to social services. And it totally sucks that you can't get a lil' help from your family. Hopefully though this crazy mess can get sorted soon

Until then, hang in there! I know that doesn't change the situation.. Bad things always seem to happen to good people and in the end, those events strengthen a person. You'll come out stronger! :)

For cheering up ideas, er, maybe reading about a 100 jokes or so will cheer you up? http://www.funnyordie.com/lists/1886237db4/top-100-laugh-your-ass-off-jokes :P

It's tough, and I know I can't really help, but nevertheless we're all here for you!!!!

11-06-2013, 11:13 AM
do u live in the uk? If u are on benefits I no people that have gone to ther local job centre and have got a crisis loan. Sorry to here about this

Yeah I live in the uk but crisis loans don't exist anymore unfortunately. I rang my local council who put me in touch with a company who offer funding on key and cards for gas and electricity wh

11-06-2013, 11:18 AM
do u live in the uk? If u are on benefits I no people that have gone to ther local job centre and have got a crisis loan. Sorry to here about this

Hi thanks for your reply. Yeah I live in the uk but unfortunately crisis loans don't exist anymore as alot of people abused them. I did however contact my local council who were very helpful and put credit on my key and card metres for my gas and electricity, which was my main concern. I just have to pay it back when I can, which I will as soon as my bank refunds me. I think what upset the most was the intrusion into my account. Thanks again for your reply I really appreciate it :-)

11-06-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. PLEASE hang in there. Where are you? In the UK? Do you have any money for food and such for the next few days? Could you apply for a small loan at your bank just to get you through the next few days? Do you need someone to talk to? I'm in the US but I will call you if you need someone to talk to. You've been so kind to me when I've been going through my rough times. Message me.

Hi trini thanks for your reply I really appreciate it, yeah I'm in the uk. My bank was totally useless but my local council were amazing. Thanks again for your reply it truly made me smile knowing I have people here for me.
Thanks Hannah xx

11-06-2013, 11:23 AM
That's terrible, Hannah.. :( That's some rotten luck, huh? ..I understand you not wanting to go to social services. And it totally sucks that you can't get a lil' help from your family. Hopefully though this crazy mess can get sorted soon

Until then, hang in there! I know that doesn't change the situation.. Bad things always seem to happen to good people and in the end, those events strengthen a person. You'll come out stronger! :)

For cheering up ideas, er, maybe reading about a 100 jokes or so will cheer you up? http://www.funnyordie.com/lists/1886237db4/top-100-laugh-your-ass-off-jokes :P

It's tough, and I know I can't really help, but nevertheless we're all here for you!!!!

Hi ntf thanks for your reply I'm still a mess at the minute after the stresses of the day but your right I'm sure it will make me a much stronger person. I'm so grateful to my local council they have been amazing today. Also the man was a total stranger and his kindness was lovely,
Thanks for the jokes my husband kept giving me strange looks before as I was sitting giggling to myself.
Thanks again everyone you are all truly stars :-) xx

11-06-2013, 12:31 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this, Hannah! What a horrible thing to experience. I'm so sorry! It's outrageous the bank are making you wait two days before they re-claim the money for you, but at least your local council were very helpful, and I'm glad to hear that you are now sorted re gas and electric.

Hugs to you! xxxxx

11-06-2013, 12:35 PM
Thanks Joanna your kind words mean alot and I'm very happy now too. I hate taking charity but I was desperate today. I'm going to put an official complaint in at the bank it's been horrible the way I've been treated today. My money was stolen and instead of helping me, they made things a million times harder. Thanks again xxx

11-06-2013, 12:44 PM
Thanks Joanna your kind words mean alot and I'm very happy now too. I hate taking charity but I was desperate today. I'm going to put an official complaint in at the bank it's been horrible the way I've been treated today. My money was stolen and instead of helping me, they made things a million times harder. Thanks again xxx

That's a really good idea to make an official complaint. Grrr. I hate banks!! It seems they can get away with anything. It's just wrong!!! Definitely a good idea to write to them and hold them accountable! So sorry they behaved like such tossers today!!!!