View Full Version : Questions at the doctor's office for possible anxiety issues...

11-06-2013, 02:25 AM
I went to the ER yesterday because the chest pains were freaking me out. Cried like a baby the entire time, completely unlike me. Cried more in that room than I had in the past five years. I was so afraid I was dying or my heart was going to give out. My EKG and chest x-ray came back clean, but my blood pressure was 155/112. For the past week I haven't been able to get my heart off of my mind. I'll break down crying, then my chest will start hurting and even though the tests came back clean, my mind goes straight to the worst outcome. I'm not the kind to let the Internet be my doctor, but every article I've read about GAD has virtually every symptom matching mine. Trouble is, I've never had these symptoms before in my life, although I've always been a bit paranoid of everything.

This past week has been pretty much the pits for me. I can't ever remember feeling this much dread in my life. If this is some kind of anxiety disorder, it sure came on fast and out of nowhere. But, I've been told by a kind member here that an anxiety disorder can come at any time and maybe something in my life was the final straw. I'm so lost. I see a follow-up doctor (don't have a primary) this Monday and my greatest hope is that he or she can help me cope with this.

What questions should I ask to ensure they fully understand my situation?

11-06-2013, 04:22 AM
I'm so sorry you went through this. I've been in your shoes and I completely understand. You should definitely sit down and maybe write down how long you've been feeling like this and what, if anything, is specifically bothering you. Also note if it is causing problems with sleep or just to function normally throughout the day.
Do you typically have high bp? If not, you can probably chalk up that last reading to anxiety. You were already anxious, then being in the ER itself is enough to heighten it even more.