View Full Version : Morning headaches

11-05-2013, 11:10 AM
Hey everyone! Does anyone suffer from frequent headaches? I rarely get them, but when I wake up with one in the morning, it's hard for me not to think "brain tumor"! I had spectral aura the other day, accompanied by hand numbness and pressure in my ear. I didn't get much of a headache because I took ibuprofen as soon as my vision started getting wavy, as recommended by a doctor. This morning, I woke with another headache and am nervous something is wrong. Any advice? My mom get chronic migraines, so maybe I should just assume its genetics. I've gone to a doctor twice about headaches and he did a finger test to check my motor strength and coordination. He told me everything looked fine. But maybe the tumor is really small and not affecting my motor skills yet? :/