View Full Version : Phew what a relief

11-05-2013, 09:23 AM
So as some of u now ive been suffering with real bad stomach pains and been freakin out that i had something wrong with me

Well..... Ive had a ultrasound scan which was clear also had a full blood count that was normal, a esr studies blood test that was normal and a cpr blood test that was normal and a ovarian cancer blood test that was also normal :D

Guess these pains really are just anotha sign of anxiety.

11-05-2013, 10:43 AM
That is wonderful news!!!!!! Don't you just feel so much better?????

11-05-2013, 10:55 AM
I rele do.

The relief that washed over me was great.... Todays been a good day no symptoms really just the odd stomach pain which strangely asnt been as bad as it normally is :D

Now can concentrate on beatin this anxiety one step at a time