View Full Version : Help advise needed

11-05-2013, 06:30 AM
Ok so ongoing to be completely honest on here, I used to use this forum all of the time until I found that there were a lot of regular users who would post all the time and bring me and others down with there negativity. So I stopped. I have been signed of from CBT Now for nearly 6 months with only a few little set backs, but my anxiety is no longer debilitating or ruling my life. I am back at work and really enjoying life. I get little flutters here and there but nothing to serious. However, my grandad died almost two weeks ago (old age) so it wasn't as traumatic as it could have been. However while he was in hospital before he died. I already started worrying about his funeral. His funeral is on Thursday and I am dreaking a little at the prospect f being somewhere I can't leave. It's sounds so stupid and selfish but I don't know how to snap out of it. Any advise on keeping calm?


11-05-2013, 06:50 AM
I think it is great that the CBT has been working for you! I know that CBT teaches exercises on how to deal with anxiety. ....breathing exercises and such. I haven't been in it as long as you have but hace you tried those exercises to try and calm yourself before the anxiety gets to a high level of panic?