View Full Version : chest pain

11-05-2013, 04:52 AM
been having little pains and discomfort in the middle of my chest all day :( anyone get this

11-05-2013, 10:11 AM
Yes. Mine started ten minutes ago all of the sudden. Sharp stabbing pains behind left breast. It almost takes my breath
. Very unnerving. Anyone experience this

j brown
11-05-2013, 11:06 AM
I had it before it felt like I had some sort of indigestion or something it just felt like a lot of pressure

11-05-2013, 11:11 AM
I've had this, mostly when I was younger. I think it's indigestion, too.

11-05-2013, 11:46 AM
How can you tell the difference? It's so alarming

11-05-2013, 02:13 PM
Also do you ever take deep breath and get piercing pain behind left breast ??? How can you tell if it's trapped air???

11-05-2013, 04:01 PM
Yes, I get chest pains. I haven't had a really bad panic attack in 6-8 years, but recently began having them again due to my chest hurting and me freaking out about it. Went to the ER and had the EKG and blood work and all is fine. My pains lately happen only at night (in the day I am fine), so this helps reassure me that it probably is not anything physical.

I think my recent bout of attacks was brought on by the fact that I got off my medications for a couple of weeks (appointment conflict) and it threw me all out of whack. But the chest pains feel very "real" which can bring on even more anxiety as you begin to think about them.

11-05-2013, 04:08 PM
Yes, I get chest pains. I haven't had a really bad panic attack in 6-8 years, but recently began having them again due to my chest hurting and me freaking out about it. Went to the ER and had the EKG and blood work and all is fine. My pains lately happen only at night (in the day I am fine), so this helps reassure me that it probably is not anything physical. I think my recent bout of attacks was brought on by the fact that I got off my medications for a couple of weeks (appointment conflict) and it threw me all out of whack. But the chest pains feel very "real" which can bring on even more anxiety as you begin to think about them.what kind of meds did u miss if u don't mind me asking? Ive been weaned from beta blockers for a month , but had no problems with chest pain until today. It's more behind left breast and it's real intense stabbing pain. Just alarming!

11-05-2013, 04:16 PM
what kind of meds did u miss if u don't mind me asking? Ive been weaned from beta blockers for a month , but had no problems with chest pain until today. It's more behind left breast and it's real intense stabbing pain. Just alarming!

I got off my psych meds (I am Bi-polar, but have terrible panic attacks). I got off my SSRI which was Zoloft, but when I began having these recent panic attacks, I had been back on them for over a month, so I don't know.

11-05-2013, 04:42 PM
I'm sorry. Yea it's so hard to pin point what it is, it can drive you nuts! Hang in there, for this too shall pass :)

11-06-2013, 02:08 AM
I've had these too. I went to the ER yesterday because I was getting so freaked out. EKG and chest x-rays were clean. I was breaking down crying the entire time I was in there. I haven't been formally diagnosed with anything in terms of anxiety, but over the past couple of weeks I've been getting these pains, tightness and general feelings of overblown dread and doom that just pop up out of nowhere and make my heart pound. I'm seeing a follow-up doctor this Monday to discuss what's going on. I have high blood pressure, so I know they can help me with that, but I'm feeling pretty confident that something else is amiss in my noggin. Fingers crossed.

11-12-2013, 11:53 AM
I've had these too. I went to the ER yesterday because I was getting so freaked out. EKG and chest x-rays were clean. I was breaking down crying the entire time I was in there. I haven't been formally diagnosed with anything in terms of anxiety, but over the past couple of weeks I've been getting these pains, tightness and general feelings of overblown dread and doom that just pop up out of nowhere and make my heart pound. I'm seeing a follow-up doctor this Monday to discuss what's going on. I have high blood pressure, so I know they can help me with that, but I'm feeling pretty confident that something else is amiss in my noggin. Fingers crossed. how did the dr apt go?