View Full Version : Something horrible happening

11-04-2013, 06:01 PM
I know I need to see a real dr. I won't have insurance for at least 6 more months ,but I could really use some input. So here goes

Well its happened 3 times this year. I deal with panic attacks and high anxiety. All three times this happened it was in my sleep after a horrible panic attack. It actually happened about 4 times in previous years but we just started keeping track of them this year. ok here goes...

I fall asleep after feeling anxious or having a panic attack. Then I awaken to my family around me, they come to put me on my side and make sure I keep breathing. But they say I moan and holler out. My eyes are rolled back, I have thick saliva pouring out the side of my mouth and/or snoring extremely loud, I'm also looking like I am choking for air. My whole body is straight and tense, when I wake up my tongue is chewed on so hard its swollen and bruised purple on the sides! My mom said there was blood trickling out also, from biting my tongue. And the muscles in the back of my calves are so sore its hard to walk. I wake up with no recollection of what happened.

They called the ambulance once and they took me to the hospital. They took blood and looked me over, the Dr said it was due to anxiety. What can this really be?? Someone also said "stress seizures". IDK what to think anymore. All I know is stress and anxiety is part of my life and I've never had a bad reaction to it like this.

11-04-2013, 06:04 PM
Not an expert but maybe epilepsy?

11-04-2013, 06:17 PM
I'm 30 years old. Can epilepsy show up this late in life?

11-04-2013, 07:11 PM
Epilepsy can come at any age. Not to scare you, but this does seem like something serious. I went threw the same thing as you with the insurance. My chest con caved and my family didn't have enough money to pay for a surgery to fix it. if this gets any worse, I recommend seeing a doctor. Your health is definatly more important that money. The only thing that you can really do now is try your best to relax. I know it's easier said than done, but it's the only way to tell if it's just anxiety.

Really hope this doesn't end up being anything serious for you. Good luck bro :)

11-04-2013, 07:17 PM
Just adding in that its ALWAYS happened when I was ASLEEP. In the middle of the night. Not once has anything happened while I was awake. I know I need to see a neurologist, but I don't have that kind of money. Just waiting for my insurance to kick in.

Oh yes, when I wake up I feel completely fine. I almost feel "relieved". I'm afraid I am losing my mind.

11-05-2013, 12:39 AM
It is def seizure activity. Showing up later in life is a concern cause there could be tons of things causing this. You def need to be seen ASAP to make sure it's not anything bad.

11-05-2013, 04:11 AM
This isn't epilepsy or seizures. You've just described a severe case of sleep apnea. Your throat becomes obstructed and you're struggling to breathe because your airway passage is blocked. That's why you're snoring so loud, chewing your tongue and waking up sore and exhausted. You said you won't have insurance for another 6 months, which is unfortunate. However, I'd highly recommend that you have a sleep study done as soon as possible. Basically, you are connected to lots of electrodes that monitor your breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels, etc. A technician monitors you overnight and they record you while sleeping. The "lab" room is set up like a hotel room, so it's not as intimidating or clinical as it sounds. There's usually a television in the room as well and you're encouraged to do whatever you usually do in your nightly routine before bedtime...whether you read, watch TV or whatever. If it's determined you have sleep apnea (and I can tell you I'm 100% positive that's what's going on), you'll go back for a second night and be fitted with a CPAP machine. It's essentially just a mask that fits over your nose or face and forces air through your nose to keep your airway open while you sleep. It takes some getting used to, but once you do, your problems will be solved, you'll sleep much better and you'll wake up a brand new person each day. Trust me, I've been through the whole thing. Don't let this continue untreated. Sleep apnea can be very hard on your heart. Not to scare you, but if left untreated, it can be fatal. Best of luck to you and I hope you get the treatment you need very soon. In the meantime, try not to sleep on your back. Also, keep your head elevated with an extra pillow. You should also elevate the head of your bed by propping it on boards or something so that you're sleeping in an inclined position.

11-05-2013, 08:33 AM
The biting of the tongue, the being rigid and eyes rolling back are not symptoms of sleep apnea. The choking for air yes but not the others. And if it was sleep apnea it would happen most nights not just sporadically

11-05-2013, 08:34 AM
And yes I do also have sleep apnea with a cpap

11-05-2013, 04:08 PM

I am no doctor, but it does sound more serious than just a panic attack. The brain is highly complicated and there are various forms of seizures, so it would be best to see a neurologist and/or a psychiatrist.

If this ever happens again, have your family drive you to the ER. In America, an Emergency Room cannot turn you away for having no insurance, so at the very least you can get emergency care and then have the ER staff help you sort out what to do after that depending on your finances.

11-05-2013, 06:37 PM
Just an update. I was able to see a dr today. I was referred out to see a nerologist. He assured me that its NOT a brain tumor and more then likely sleep apnea.

11-05-2013, 07:40 PM
Oh thank god! That's what I was worried about. I work full time as a firefighter/EMT and seizure disorders later in life are often a sign of a tumor. I'm sooo glad you found that out. Thank you for the update! I was very concerned.

11-05-2013, 10:14 PM
Just an update. I was able to see a dr today. I was referred out to see a nerologist. He assured me that its NOT a brain tumor and more then likely sleep apnea.

So glad you got to see a doctor. I would've probably agreed with everyone that this could be seizures except that you mentioned they only happened at night. Neither brain tumors nor epilepsy are that selective. The symptoms you described sounded like sleep apnea to me. Episodes can be more severe some nights than others. I suspect you probably have issues other nights as well, just not as severe. As I posted earlier, they'll do a sleep study that generally covers 2 nights and get you fitted with a CPAP. Very glad it's nothing more serious and something that is treatable. I'll bet that once you're able to have uninterrupted sleep at night that your anxiety will improve as well. Take care of yourself and keep us posted how you're doing.

11-05-2013, 10:21 PM
Ya that's some crazy apnea. Ya my sleep test wasn't bad at all. I just remember them spending all that time covering me in wires then turn around and say ok get some sleep. I thought no way in hell I'm going to be able to sleep but it wasn't bad at all. The results blew my mind because I never knew how horribly I actually slept.

11-05-2013, 10:57 PM
Lol! I thought the same thing covered in all those wires. I was like, is there anywhere they're NOT going to stick a sensor? The clinicians running the study were super great and made it more relaxing. It was more like sleeping in a hotel room. I just watched TV until I dozed off. But yes, you're right. I was shocked at just how little sleep I was getting. I think they said I stopped breathing like 40 times in an hour. That's crazy.

11-05-2013, 11:08 PM
Lol ya the ones I had too were great. Ya it horrifying when they tell you how many times you stop breathing

11-05-2013, 11:14 PM
I had a hard time adjusting to the CPAP. They initially set the air pressure too high and I woke up every morning feeling like a Macy's Thanksgiving parade balloon on a bad day. Lol! I made them show me how to adjust the pressure down on the machine and it made a world of difference. Now I can't sleep without it.

11-06-2013, 12:36 AM
Lol!! Ya mine has a button to half it then it steps up slowly. Ya I can't either. It's so uncomfortable without it

11-06-2013, 11:04 AM
Off and on I had problems with "nocturnal panic attacks", every night I would wake up in full blown panic. Now its starting to add up! I'm thinking that maybe the sleep apnea did that. Here and there for years I would get these night time panic attacks. I'm wondering if I would stop breathing and in reaction my body would panic?

I absolutely cannot wait to have the official tests. I'm so happy its not something like a brain tumor. Thats the first thing I thought it was.

11-06-2013, 11:25 AM
Off and on I had problems with "nocturnal panic attacks", every night I would wake up in full blown panic. Now its starting to add up! I'm thinking that maybe the sleep apnea did that. Here and there for years I would get these night time panic attacks. I'm wondering if I would stop breathing and in reaction my body would panic?

I absolutely cannot wait to have the official tests. I'm so happy its not something like a brain tumor. Thats the first thing I thought it was.

Yes, I think you will notice a real difference once you get the sleep apnea under control. When you stop breathing in your sleep, it can cause your body to panic. It's not good for your heart, so Im really glad your getting this taken care of. Wearing the CPAP mask takes some getting used to, but once you do, it will make a world of difference. Please keep us updated and let us know how you're doing!