View Full Version : Fretting

11-04-2013, 04:22 PM
HI guys.

Iv got a serious phobia of sick and throwing up. Someone at work was sick Thursday night Friday morning and rang in sick. She came back to work Saturday and been acting fine since.

I worked with her all day Sunday and today and I'm petrified I will get ill now. And catch what she had. Obviously I can't be 100% sure she was actually sick or just said she was but I'm praying she wasn't.

My family and me had the bug early SEPTEMBER and it took me 6 days after my sister was sick to catch it as I went to my bf house for a few days to escape it and 2 days after I came back I got it.

I just don't know what to do or what to think because it's playing on my mind all the time I didn't even have a lunch break today at work just ate my food quick and got back to work as I wanted to keep busy coz every now and then I stop and think 'oh I not been sick yet'

11-04-2013, 08:44 PM
Hi littleone. I am phobic about this too. In fact, even just reading your post and thinking about it makes me feel a bit sick and anxious! I worry about food poisoning as well as catching a bug because I really loathe and detest feeling sick and vomiting. It makes me extremely anxious. And it makes me anxious being around anyone who is feeling sick too. Needless to say, I am a bit of a germaphobe and I get through a lot of hand sanitizer!!!!

I think you are doing the right thing by keeping busy and distracting yourself from these thoughts as best you can. And, in all seriousness, hand sanitizer can help a bit! But at the end of the day we can't protect ourselves from every germ and bug. Luckily our immune systems tend to be pretty good about fighting things off. I really think the best bet is to continue trying not to think about it (easier said than done, I know). Hopefully as more time goes by you will be able to relax and you and your co-worker will remain healthy!

11-05-2013, 03:00 AM
Iv woken up this morning and for about 5 mins I was fine an then I scan myself in my head and ask do I feel ok. I went to bed starving hungry and had watery stools this morning and of course as soon as that happened my anxiety has shot through the roof coz now I don't know if iv caught a bug. I feel so stupid n crazy :(

11-05-2013, 05:32 AM
If she truly had a stomach bug, and you were going to get it, it would of started by now. Trust me.....I've been there! I am like that too though....I try to avoid people like they have the plague when they have stomach virus. Once, the owner of the gym I went to told me ( after she sat down right next to me) that she had a stomach bug the day before and that she was still feeling terrible. I made polite talk but hightailed it out of there. Turns out, it wasn't a stomach bug, it was morning sickness! I had worried for nothing. Also, in this case of your co worker, perhaps she could of eaten something that didn't agree with her..... that could of caused her upset stomach.
I think you will be fine though.