View Full Version : Do things inprove

11-04-2013, 01:17 PM
At times like this it's nice to know that things do get better and I was wondering if anybody has been seriously affected by anxiety and panic attacks and have managed to improve

11-04-2013, 04:28 PM
I have had anxiety since I was a child so for about 18 years. And a few years ago it got to the point where I didn't leave my house for 6 months. Not even to go to the shops, nothing. My mum dragged me to the doctors and I got CBT therapy. And when my ex left me I slowly got better. And I got a new job and met my bf I'm with now. I went over a year without major anxiety that I couldn't control. Every now and then I would get anxious but it wasn't enough to ruin my days or my life. So yes it does improve and I did all of that with no medication just a supportive family friends my bf and dedication.

But recently the last 2 months it's one back strong and I need to learn to get hold of it again so get it does go but u learn what is the trigger and can focus on that one thing not all the other rational thoughts that Arnt to do with it.