View Full Version : Advice needed!

11-04-2013, 11:53 AM
Hi guys. Very recently I have really gotten into Doctor Who. It's become almost like a form of escapism, a way in which I can escape from this world where I am depressed and scared and alone and find a new one.

I have gotten very into Matt Smith's Doctor specifically, I mean several episodes have gotten me through some very hard times!

I mean the reason I'm saying all this is because a friend of mine has suggested that I write to Matt and tell him all this myself. I mean I love him to pieces and I'd love to contact him but I don't want to burden him with my problems- what do you think I should do?

11-04-2013, 02:23 PM
Hi davelistenupplz. Sure, why not write to him? You might not necessarily get an answer, but then again, you might!! It's cool you've found something that has helped you through some tough times! Glad to hear it! Let us know what you decide.