View Full Version : Derealization worse

11-04-2013, 07:55 AM
has anybody noticed that their derealization gets worse with not enough sleep? I feel mentally incapable of anything:( I know that when the anxiety goes away, so does the DR. but how do you get rid of the anxiety? does DR last forever? I've had it constantly for a year. I'm terrified..

11-04-2013, 09:25 AM
has anybody noticed that their derealization gets worse with not enough sleep? I feel mentally incapable of anything:( I know that when the anxiety goes away, so does the DR. but how do you get rid of the anxiety? does DR last forever? I've had it constantly for a year. I'm terrified..

Everything seems to be worse with a lack of sleep. When your mind is tired, I believe you never think as clearly.

You get rid of the anxiety once you stop being afraid of the all the false information you have trained yourself to react to.

F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real

The way you overcome and cure yourself is unique to everyone.

I suffered for years and years until I finally realized that the only thing preventing me from healing was me.

I stopped playing the victim and took control away from anxiety. I just didn't pay attention to its sirens anymore.

Once I did, fewer and fewer episodes came. Now they just don't.

That doesn't mean I don't feel anxious occasionally because I do.

I almost laugh at some of my physical reactions to a thought and don't treat them as threatening anymore.

How many times was I going to think I was having a heart attack with the same palpitation before I realized it probably wasn't going to happen?

You have started looking for help at a young age.

You will find your path quickly and soon be past this

It really does stop. Just hard to imagine that it could sometimes.

11-04-2013, 07:42 PM
I heard it could last forever. is THAT true? about derealization? I can't even imagine living a life stuck like this.

11-05-2013, 02:32 AM
I heard it could last forever. is THAT true? about derealization? I can't even imagine living a life stuck like this.

I think the only way it would last forever is if you let it. Like you said it goes away when the anxiety does so you need to focus on eliminating the anxiety.

This is so much easier than done I'm still fighting mine myself, but you can't allow yourself to believe you will be stuck like this.
Remember the derealization is coming from you and you're making it happen without even realising it so it's only you that can stop it with the right techniques in place.

Can I ask what your anxiety is about? Like what makes you anxious, panic etc.