View Full Version : Heart

Olive Yew
11-03-2013, 07:19 PM
Heart keeps stuttering/ palpitating. :( i know it's anxiety and crap. I dont actually feel anxious though. Imm pretty chill. Just relaxing and then "ga lump........... Galump galump galump galump.." I hate it. I dont understand why it's doing this to me.

11-03-2013, 07:24 PM
I have that happen. As of the past week I have had chest pains that come on at night. They get worse, then I start thinking "what if it's my heart" and then I get myself worked up, begin hyperventilating and then my pulse goes sky-high. Went to the ER last night and they said I was fine and to consult my doctor for a follow-up. So, yeah, I can relate.

Olive Yew
11-03-2013, 07:34 PM
See i know it's just my body reacting to some unknown fear.... But my brain knows there's no danger.... well my thought brain does. My subconscious brain apparently thinks i need to... -Scar voice- BE PREPAAAAARED!!!!