View Full Version : Can GAD just pop up like this?

11-03-2013, 06:02 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm 22 and over the past week, I've been having these minor chest pains at different times. It began a week ago with some moderate pains in my chest and a rapid heartbeat that sent me into an absolute state of constant fear. Since then, my heartbeat has slowed to normal, but at random times I've been able to feel my heart beating in my chest, almost pounding. The only silver lining I can conjure is that while I can feel it beating, the beats have been steady and not random and fluttery.

Before the initial moderate pains, I had an argument with my ex that stressed me out a bit more than usual. Since they started, I've had pretty much every single symptom of generalized anxiety that I've read from a variety of different sites - nausea, peeing/pooping frequently, tension, sweating, feeling doomed, fatigue, pounding heart, cramps, etc.

What I can't seem to understand is, well, kind of complex. At least in my mind. Can GAD just come out of nowhere like that? I fought with my ex pretty frequently for two years prior and never had all of those symptoms. The only time I'd ever feel things like that before were during times of real stress and nervousness, not just randomly like now. Now, at least once a day I'll have this general feeling of absolute dread and trepidation that sends me racing to the bathroom and making my heart beat harder, and my chest begins to hurt in a few different places. I don't have health insurance, so I'm very reluctant to see a doctor, and something tells me that even if I DID, I'd be too afraid. I spent a good three straight hours a couple days ago going over every single disease, disorder, malady and general nuisance that could cause chest pains in existence - think I'd be thrilled to see a doctor being that paranoid? Almost makes me glad to have no insurance, though it is irrational.

I just can't understand why it would just start out of nowhere like this. I've never really had a panic attack, I've always been somewhat of a worrywart (looking over my shoulders constantly, hypervigilance, etc.) almost paranoid about certain things. Even the fear of being turned away because of my lack of insurance at this moment is enough to twist my stomach.

So now, the questions I have:
Can GAD just come into existence like this?
Have I always had this and its only manifesting itself within me now?
Could it be what's causing my pounding heartbeat and chest pain that sends my mind into panic mode as I type this very post?
Can the symptoms present even at times when I'm not all that stressed?
Can a mental disorder like this really have that much bearing over things like my heart rate, even in times of calm?

I just need my mind set at ease, and any effort will help. If it matters, I have a history of mental illness in my family, including hypochondria, bipolar and depression. Thanks in advance for the knowledge and comfort.

Olive Yew
11-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Yes it can come out of nowhere. One thing all anxiety sufferers need to realize is that you've always had it and you always will. You may. Have never chronically experienced it but it's always been there. You cant cure it either. You can kill the symptoms and ease the mind fear and go into a stage of like... Remission... But there's always a chance of it coming back.

USUALLY there's a time of high stress that will trigger it. But it can happen over a period of time too. From the sounds of it, it seems like you've been cooking up a storm for quite some time. There was probably one thing that was like the last twig on the pile before the ground gave in. For me, it was a bunch of HUGE stressors that happened all back to back to back. As a kid, I had the ghosts of it though.... Terrified of sleeping, getting kidnapped, natural disaster... Pretty much anything that could harm me..... That went away for about 6 years and then i developed the real this 4 months ago. I've made enormous progress compared to the beginning. On a normal day, I tend to FEEL normal. My weeks also seem to alternate. A week of bad and then a week of good.

Just keep telling your mind that any discomfort you feel is anxiety. Over time, your mind should start to relax. Vitamins, supplements like magnesium, B5, B complex, D3, and 5HTP help and awful lot. It takes about a month to work. Gettin lots of sunshine helps a ton. Facing your fears is a must. Progressive muscle Relaxation helps you relax... Just keep with it and hang in there :)

11-10-2013, 11:28 AM
In my experience GAD just popped up. I was just sitting at the table eating and I suddenly felt my state of mind change and the way I think too.