View Full Version : Google is off the devil!!

11-03-2013, 05:12 PM
So, I go on Google last night to try and find some reassurance that Mitral Valve Prolapse is not life threatening (I did it because these heart flutters are relentless). I come across a reassuring article about it and felt better.... THEN I start reading the comments from other readers and lost all reassurance. Most of them were talking about a loved one or someone they knew that had dropped dead from MVP, most of them being quite young....so here I am worried all over again, that I'm gonna drop dead. I'm only 36 and have 4 children...

James Valdez
11-03-2013, 06:09 PM
i feel ur pain i can relate to the fear of droping dead...it started when my mom passed away after a heart atack ..i seen it all happen...it scarred me for life. i think i got ptsd from it cus i always have these flashbacks that sometimes cause panic attaccks...also everyday i feel like im going to die...i too have heart flutters ive had three ekgs and some other test done and the doc said im fine im 17 and am a little overweight so i always think ima die of a heart attack...i used to be aq fatter fuck and when my mom died i lost a bunch of weight but lately ive been depressed ...im not sure why maybe its my relationship with my gf or maybe its school idk but all ive been doing is smoking weed and eating and i gained like ten pounds and i feel worthless and im scared my gfs gunna leave me if i dont somehow get my life in check..for your case i dont think you should be that worried of mvps. the docs spend years in med school and the people on the internet go by a few google searches...im trying to accept the doctors too but its hard...i hate my hypochondria.

11-03-2013, 09:00 PM
Hi there. I am new here. I fear cancer, terribly. It seems as every week, I hear of someone else being diagnosed and I have a sister and a cousin fighting it and I have had three people under 30 die of it recently. I have terrible health anxiety. It consumes me. I am 35 with two kids and a wonderful life. I am so afraid of losing it all.

11-04-2013, 01:14 AM
When my anxiety set in i used to Google because friends and family couldnt answer my questions and i didnt want to be ringing my doctor up every 5 minutes. I would come away from the doctors feeling a bit relaxed and then by time i got home a thought or question would enter my head and then start to worry. So i would Google and i could just type in a pain and a list of bad things would come up. Then my heart would start to race!

Every time i went on Google this would happen. I think Google seem to put like sites that have doctors replies, or medication to the top. Most of them cover bad or should i say serious things to the top. So thats what you see first.

Someone once said to me if i put flour and water in a bowl what do you think im going to make? So i started guessing..... Yorkshire pudding..pancake..bread etc. She then reminded me you have a symptom or two, why think the worse it could be anxiety, wind, nerve, muscular thats just to name a few. Why do you think your having a heart attack?

Google has helped me in some ways as i did find this forum. Sometimes it has relaxed me when i find the odd problem.

What you have to remember if you go shopping and have a bad experience you will walk away feeling thinking they were moody, rude, in the wrong, they should of exchanged it, they gave you the wrong change and so on. So you will tell people about it you may even go online and leave a comment on a thread. If you come away and it was a good experience you may not tell anyone because you have more good than bad.

The same happens if you have a pain or a concern about a hospital. So if i had a pain in my toe and it turned out to be just a trapped nerve im not going to say much about it but if my toe ended up falling off i would want to right it down for others to see. So if i google it i will see that worrying story and i will worry my toe will fall off.

Google will fuel anxiety, i know because ive done it and sometimes still do it. If i worry about my aches i google them and 8/10 im worse off!

11-04-2013, 01:47 AM
If you believe in the Devil, I suppose it can be. I do worry about the addition the internet feeds, however there is much information on how to free ourselves from such addictions. I think Google is whatever you want it to be. Now if I did believe in the Devil, I'd call things like ... face book and reality TV the Devil.

If I'd believe in Angles, then I call Google an Angle. It's where I have learned to build my own computers, shop over seas, fix my car, lawn mower, learn how to defend myself in court and win custody of my son, how to defend myself against pompous neighbors, complain about the police, and discover what rights I really have. Google is very self empowering and has played a large role, in my giving up narcotic and alcohol ... I've learned not to be afraid of death and unlearned much of the dogma that instilled so much fear ... HELL ... Google is as much of a Savior as what others consider Christ!

Praise be to Google. It's what ever you want it to be. Lean to discern and give up the hype. It's enough to suffer in the real world, than kid ones self in a universe full of so many possibility ... AKA the digital highway. Lately I've been getting a little lost, but it helps to keep oneself aware of what ones is doing to themselves. Self imposing I guess ... hmmmmm Well I'll be damned ... I do believe it's sinking in Perses ... hehe

Just my outlook ... each to their own. ------------------------------------ cheer up; we could all be dead. Time to Google. ;)

11-04-2013, 07:14 PM
Ok Ponder. Your right..to each his own. I DO believe in the Devil and Jesus is my Savior, so we obviously differ in our opinions, but thanks for your input ;)