View Full Version : Panick attack at night

11-03-2013, 05:08 PM
Another night and another panic attack. I'm 22 years old and have been struggling with anxiety for over 2 years now. There's times when it's better but since a few months it's been getting a lot worse. I think it's because of my job that I hate. I have anxiety almost all day everyday now with a lot of physical symptoms, dizziness, nausea, blurry eyesight, dry mouth and feeling like I'm loosing control or going to go crazy. It's 1am where I live now and can't go to sleep. How can you cure anxiety? I'm so sick and tired of living this way...

James Valdez
11-03-2013, 06:23 PM
i feel your pain man im 17 just starting life and anxiety is hard to deal with...a few years back is when my panic attacks really started...i dont wanna go into details because of the pain the memory brings me but i saw my momma die of a heart attack right in front of me and i was a young teen at the time like 14 or something like that and it fucked me up man...after that i was in a constant state of fear that i was going to die....then one day i went to the thatre with my dad(who was never there and all of a sudden wanted to try to play dad) then i felt my mind go strangly blank(like smoking 5 joints blank) and i freaked out then my mouth got really dry and i got disy and it got a little hard to breathe than i was like wtf am i dying then my heart kinda fluttered then started pounding...i called my cousin to take me to the hospital and they drug tested me (i was actin crazy screamin at them not to kill me cus i didnt trust the meds they were pumpin in me) i was sober and they gave me alot of ativan (that made me feel like the hospital bed was rubber lol) but now years later im plagued by constant anxiety and often occuring panic attacks. a common panic attack for me will make me feel cold or hot, shaky, dizzy, dehydrated, numb hands, shaky legs, heavy body, and rapid mind, and hard pounding heart sometimes..the way i deal with it is pot but it can only help so much im constantly worried about stressors in my life....my gf can be a cunt but i love her so much ive been with her a year now and im just trying to make this one work, im trying to graduate but i stress about having trouble because i got adhd. my mind always goes to the worst scenario .. i cant trust my girl cus im always scared that shes cheating despite her seeming like shes comitted. i dont have my parents so i live with my bro who always makes me work ...i just wanna turn 18 so i can start my life and have a say so in what goes down in my life...ive been poor my whole life i just want a better life....your not alone man the hardest part of it all for me is the random chest pains that the doc says are normal...i had three eks and some other test and i should be fine(that was like a ayear ago but still) i also get scared that the tests are npo longer valid tho..im always checkin my pulse and prodding around its fucked up...i dont like thinking like this. it makes me have these bad mood swings too where ill be happy then rageful then depressed..