View Full Version : How do you?

11-03-2013, 10:51 AM
Every so often when I know I have to go somewhere I'm not comfortable with or do something that I fine stressful my head gets all tight and heavy and feels shaky on my shoulders.
Most of the time I can handle it but sometimes it gets the better of me and I want to run to my bed and hide away.
Today was one of them days. My husband wanted to go out for the day to look for new stuff for his fish tank. The only decent pet shop is six miles away from us and there's always heavy traffic. I was determined to go because I'm sick of hiding away, but as soon as we got in the car the head thing started and butterflies kicked off in my stomach.
I stayed relatively calm through the traffic until we got to the massive pet shop (it's more like a supermarket)
Then my head went all whooshy and shaky and I felt disorientated. I did deep breaths and tried to focus on the items in the shop but it didn't shift.
Surprisingly (or not) as soon as we got in the car to go home it vanished.
My question is this - do any of you suffer thus annoying and frightening symptom? And how do you handle it when you're in public and want to stat out and enjoy yourself and not run home in a panic?