View Full Version : Ruined Opportunities

11-03-2013, 09:55 AM
Hi all,

Took up photography with a new DSLR camera few months ago. Everytime I got out and i'm walking I seem to get terrible chest pains and the usual anxiety nonsense. I just got home from an outing. I was looking forward to it greatly. A huge old military airbase that is long disused. I lasted 20 minutes at most before I had some of the most intense chest pains ever. Managed to explore 2 buildings out of over 15+. I could've literally spent all day there taking photos and instead anxiety takes a hold.

Thing is I wasn't even thinking once about anxiety when we got there. I was really eager and when we got there and got in I was so giddy. When the pains first came I just got more into the photographs, y'know, distract myself and convince myself I was ok. But it got worse and worse, started hurting my left arm and shoulders so of course I jump to heart. Feel my heart and it's going crazy. So I get out of the building. Stand still, crouch down a bit and keep my breathing deep and steady. I feel a bit better so I move onto the next building and i'm literally there for a minute before the crushin pain returns. So again, i walk out and keep going to a new place. But for a third time it returns.

I march back to the car, sit down and start feeling better. On the return trip it comes about again. It's so horrid. I really want to go back to that airbase. But how? I know I can't assume i'd have the same issues again, but seriously, does it have to be that painful? Yes I know, don't let emotion take hold, don't fight it, just let it be. But when it feels like someone is stabbing you in the chest for 5+ minutes how are you supposed to ignore it?

Sometimes I wish I was medicated.


11-03-2013, 10:43 AM
Hi all, Took up photography with a new DSLR camera few months ago. Everytime I got out and i'm walking I seem to get terrible chest pains and the usual anxiety nonsense. I just got home from an outing. I was looking forward to it greatly. A huge old military airbase that is long disused. I lasted 20 minutes at most before I had some of the most intense chest pains ever. Managed to explore 2 buildings out of over 15+. I could've literally spent all day there taking photos and instead anxiety takes a hold. Thing is I wasn't even thinking once about anxiety when we got there. I was really eager and when we got there and got in I was so giddy. When the pains first came I just got more into the photographs, y'know, distract myself and convince myself I was ok. But it got worse and worse, started hurting my left arm and shoulders so of course I jump to heart. Feel my heart and it's going crazy. So I get out of the building. Stand still, crouch down a bit and keep my breathing deep and steady. I feel a bit better so I move onto the next building and i'm literally there for a minute before the crushin pain returns. So again, i walk out and keep going to a new place. But for a third time it returns. I march back to the car, sit down and start feeling better. On the return trip it comes about again. It's so horrid. I really want to go back to that airbase. But how? I know I can't assume i'd have the same issues again, but seriously, does it have to be that painful? Yes I know, don't let emotion take hold, don't fight it, just let it be. But when it feels like someone is stabbing you in the chest for 5+ minutes how are you supposed to ignore it? Sometimes I wish I was medicated. Ed

I've definitely been there and I do photography. It's very calming and relaxing to me. Although in times of high anxiety, sometimes I can't book any shoots cause I'll get anxiety during them.