View Full Version : Alone

11-02-2013, 09:57 PM
I tend to get more anxious when I'm alone. I just start thinking too much and everything spins out of control. It's worse at night and I just wanted to see if this was any help. I don't know why I have such a hard time being alone but I am really not feeling so great.

11-02-2013, 10:04 PM
I understand. It's when my mind is idle that I start to think too much. If I stay busy then I'm much better. Not much help when it's time for bed though! What you're describing sounds like me...you're definitely not alone.

11-02-2013, 10:12 PM
Thank you. I'm just never sure what to do.
It's not like I can call someone...everyones getting to bed or already asleep.

11-02-2013, 10:16 PM
I tend to get more anxious when I'm alone. I just start thinking too much and everything spins out of control. It's worse at night and I just wanted to see if this was any help. I don't know why I have such a hard time being alone but I am really not feeling so great.

This is also my worst time, for me when I lay in bed it helps to think of something happy or a time in my life id like to go back to. I try to remember every detail and really focus on it. Like what time of day it was, what was I wearing etc. (I can't always remember but it gives my mind something to do)

Should try it, it may work for you also :) and if I get really bad I come on here and chat to people, there's always someone online. And ill do this until I'm tired enough to fall asleep.

11-02-2013, 10:32 PM
Are you thinking of anything specific during these times?

11-02-2013, 10:50 PM
Are you thinking of anything specific during these times?

It's never anything specific. Just sort of feels like everything all at once.

11-02-2013, 11:17 PM
I wrote this yesterday morning. I was expressing how i feel during an anxiety-driven awkward moment that I have. It happens every day. Share it with whoever if you want to. I also have many tips that I would like to share with you all maybe another time-it's late now. I realized that I had anxiety (i didn't even know the term before) about 2 years ago. Ever since then, I have been studying myself and figuring out different ways to overcome it without going to drugs. Good luck to everyone. Remember to Breathe, relax your eyes, and smile. Those 3 things alone help me so much. But I know that there is so much more to it. Mainly, slow and controlled breathing.

saying all the wrong things.
The glares and the stares
from the eyes with springs.

I see them, don't you know that?
I mean, wouldn't you?
The eyes that turn a girl's soul a little blue.

I'm awkward, not blind.
I still use my mind.
How could you be so rude,
when I am nothing but kind?

I see that I'm like that,
it's no secret from me.
It eats at me,
and all I wanna do is Flee.

Awkward isn't your thing?
Yet it's in me, it's in me...
it runs down my spine.

I didn't choose this way,
I don't want this disease.
Can't I rid of this with just one sneeze?

It's not that easy,
OH how I wish it was.
Kindness doesn't kill it,
and I'm not sure what does.

Anxiety, it's Powerful.
It fucks with your mind.
From reality, it truly does make one blind.

"Just relax, be yourself.
Why are you so tense all the time?"

If I had a Dime,
for every Time,
that I heard that question,
I'd be able to pay my way out,
of this here depression.

I live and I cope,
No assistance from dope.
I love and I smile,
more than once in a while.

Acceptance is all i want,
God, that would be good.
To connect, to vibe,

I'm normal, I'm ME,
it just takes longer to See.

It's so hard to overcome,
don't look at me like I'm dumb.

You don't see it, but i feel it
and boy, is it real.
It's like attempting to break through
a wall of steel.

Take a moment and think about it,
what would it take?
And GOSH, what a day that YOU would make.
To listen, to talk, to not be a judge.
Give them a true smile, with maybe a nudge.

It doesn't seem like much,
but you have no idea.
Put those judgements away,
for the rest of your day,
love me, hug me, and make me stay.

-Paula Escalera

11-02-2013, 11:39 PM
sorry! I'm new to this and thought i was posting this as it's own thread! lol. Good luck on your journey! I haven't experienced anxiety when i'm alone but I can imagine that it's not a fun experience. It'll be good, just keep looking for the answer!

11-03-2013, 07:45 AM
When you are alone of not otherwise occupied one often starts to think/worry and become anxious. Try engaging with "busy things" or things that need to be done to keep from having too much time to go down the worry road. Try distracting yourself in various ways. Anything from working crossword puzzles to exercising can help. Any distraction that might be constructive. ALankay